Kajian Pengaruh Kadar Optimal Volume Pasir dalam Campuran Beton dengan Metode SNI 03-2834-2000
Peluang ketercapaian kuat tekan beton metode SNI yang dianalisis dengan metode Dreux membuktikan bahwa kadar pasir pada metode SNI tersebut dapat mencapai kuat tekan beton yang direncanakan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menentukan nilai kadar optimal volume pasir dalam agregat gabungan pada campuran beton yang dapat diberlakukan pada semua ukuran maksimum agregat kasar. Kriteria kadar optimal pasir yaitu kadar pasir yang dapat membuat adukan beton segar mudah dikerjakan, terhindar dari peluang segregasi, dan apabila terjadi perubahan pada kadar pasir dalam praktik pembuatan beton di lapangan, maka kadar pasir masih berada dalam batas kurva gradasi agregat SNI, sehingga kuat tekan beton tetap tercapai. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa data sekunder hasil pengujian kuat tekan beton 28 hari metode SNI. Hasil analisis pada penelitian memberi kesimpulan bahwa kadar volume 40% dapat dijadikan kadar optimal volume pasir dalam campuran beton metode SNI.
Kata kunci: volume pasir, kadar optimal, kuat tekan beton, metode SNI
The probability of achieving the compressive strength of concrete mix design by SNI in this study was analyzed through the Dreux method. The results of the analysis indicated that the sand content in the concrete mix design by SNI was capable of achieving the planned compressive strength of the concrete. This study was intended to determine the optimal volume of sand content in combined aggregate in concrete mixtures that can be applied to all maximum sizes of coarse aggregate. The optimal criteria for the sand content involved in this study were the sand content that was able to facilitate the mixing of concrete, avoid the possibility of segregation, and the sand content remained within the limits of the SNI aggregate gradation curve even though changes were found in the sand content during the concrete manufacturing process in the field, thereby still achieving the compressive strength of concrete. This study utilized secondary data from the 28-day concrete compressive strength test by SNI. The results of the analysis in the study concluded that the volume content of 40% can be used as the optimal content of sand volume in the concrete mix design by SNI.
Keywords: volume of sand, optimum content, compressive strength, SNI method
Teks Lengkap:
PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.26760/rekaracana.v8i1.60
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ISSN (elektronik) : 2477-2569Â Â
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