Analisis Kinerja Persimpangan Jalan Laswi dengan Jalan Gatot Subroto, Kota Bandung Menggunakan PTV VISSIM 9.0

Fadila Dwithami Ulfah, Oka Purwanti



Persimpangan Jalan Laswi – Jalan Gatot Subroto merupakan salah satu persimpangan di Kota Bandung yang menghubungkan daerah perkantoran, pendidikan, dan pusat perbelanjaan dengan daerah permukiman. Permasalahan yang terjadi yaitu, besarnya volume arus lalu lintas sehingga menyebabkan panjangnya antrian, dan lamanya tundaan. Tujuan peneletian ini adalah menganalisis kinerja persimpangan eksisting, dan menganalisis pengaruh optimalisasi waktu siklus terhadap kinerja persimpangan tersebut. Berdasarkan kondisi eksisting persimpangan, kinerja persimpangan sudah tidak bisa dianalisis menggunakan MKJI 1997 karena diperoleh  adalah 1,2036 atau simpang sudah lewat jenuh, sehingga analisis dilanjutkan menggunakan PTV VISSIM 9.0. Hasil analisis kinerja persimpangan kondisi eksisting, dan optimalisasi waktu siklus (skenario pangaturan fase sinyal B3) yaitu, penurunan panjang antrian dan tundaan rata-rata simpang sebesar 9,70%, dan penurunan tundaan rata-rata simpang sebesar 19,57%.

Kata kunci: persimpangan, panjang antrian, tundaan, lewat jenuh, optimalisasi waktu siklus



Intersection of Laswi road with Gatot Subroto road is one of the intersections in Bandung City that connects offices areas, education areas, and shopping centers areas with residential areas. Problems that occur is the amount of traffic flow that causes the length of the queue, and the length of delay. The purpose of this research was to analyze the performance of the existing intersection, and analyze the optimization of cycle times against the performance of these intersections. Based on existing intersection conditions, intersection performance cannot be analyzed using MKJI 1997 because   adalah 1.2036 or the intersection is over saturated, so the analysis continued using PTV VISSIM 9.0. The results of the intersection performance analysis of existing conditions, and optimization of cycle time (B3 signal phase settings scenario) that is, a decrease in the queue length of the average intersection by 9.70%, and a delay decrease of the intersection average by 19.57%.

Keywords: intersection, queue length, delay, over saturated, optimization of cycle time

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ISSN (elektronik) : 2477-2569  

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