Pengaruh Serat Polypropylene pada Beton
Penelitian ini melakukan pengujian pada campuran PFRSCC dan beton kontrol untuk mengetahui sifat mekanis beton tersebut. Komposisi campuran PFRSCC dan beton kontrol merujuk kepada penelitian Hafizhul (2023), melakukan penelitian terhadap UHPC (ultra high performance concrete) dengan menggunakan material lokal, yaitu pasir alam dan batu pecah lolos saringan 4,75mm. Komposisi PFRSCC dan beton kontrol menggunakan semen jenis Portland Slag Cement (PSC); 1% superplaticizer dari total binder; 30% Silica Fume dari total binder; serat Polypropylene sebesar 1% dari volume beton total; rasio pasir alam terhadap batu pecah 45%: 55%; rasio w/b sebesar 0,23. Namun demikian, campuran beton kontrol tidak mengandung serat PP. Hasil pengujian beton segar dengan flow table dicapai 250 mm dengan w/b 0,23. Hasil pengujian sifat mekanis PFRSCC pada umur 28 hari menunjukan kuat tekan sebesar 42,73 MPa; kuat tarik sebesar 4,33 MPa; kuat lentur sebesar 8,98 MPa; serta modulus elastisitas sebesar 45,51 GPa. Sedangkan, hasil pengujian sifat mekanik beton kontrol pada umur 28 hari menunjukan kuat tekan sebesar 47,66 MPa; kuat tarik sebesar 1,95 MPa; kuat lentur sebesar 6,29 MPa; serta modulus elastisitas sebesar 38,79 GPa. Apabila dibandingkan sifat mekanis PFRSCC terhadap beton kontrol, maka serat PP memberikan pengaruh dalam meningkatkan kuat tarik sebesar 2,38 MPa (122,05%), kuat lentur sebesar 2,67 MPa (42,77%), dan modulus elastisitas beton sebesar 6,67 GPa (17,32%). Namun, 1% serat PP menurunkan kuat tekan, lebih rendah 4,93 (10,34%) dibandingkan terhadap beton kontrol.
Kata kunci: SCC, PFRSCC, Polypropylene, sifat mekanis
This study conducted tests on a mixture of PFRSCC and control concrete to determine the mechanical properties of the concrete. The composition of the mixed PFRSCC and control concrete refers to Hafizhul's research (2023), research on UHPC (ultra high-performance concrete) using local materials, namely natural sand and crushed stone passing a 4.75mm filter. The composition of PFRSCC and control concrete uses Portland Slag Cement (PSC); 1% superplasticizer of total binder; 30% Silica Fume from total binder; Polypropylene fiber of 1% of the total concrete volume; ratio of natural sand to crushed stone 45%: 55%; w/b ratio of 0.23. However, the control concrete mix did not contain PP fiber. The results of testing fresh concrete with a flow table reached 250 mm with w/b ratio of 0.23. The results of testing the mechanical properties of PFRSCC at the age of 28 days showed a compressive strength of 42.73 MPa; tensile strength of 4.33 MPa; flexural strength of 8.98 MPa; and a modulus of elasticity of 45.51 GPa. Meanwhile, the results of testing the mechanical properties of the control concrete at the age of 28 days showed a compressive strength of 47.66 MPa; tensile strength of 1.95 MPa; flexural strength of 6.29 MPa; and a modulus of elasticity of 38.79 GPa. When compared to the mechanical properties of PFRSCC on control concrete, PP fiber has an influence in increasing the tensile strength of 2.38 MPa (122.05%), flexural strength of 2.67 MPa (42.77%), and the elastic modulus of concrete is 6.67 GPa (17.32%). However, 1% PP fiber decreased the compressive strength, 4.93 (10.34%) lower than the control concrete.
Keywords: SCC, PFRSCC, Polypropylene, sifat mekanis
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ISSN (elektronik) : 2477-2569Â Â
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