Kinerja Persimpangan Jl. Ibrahim Adjie – Jl. Jakarta Dengan Beroperasinya Flyover Jl. Jakarta, Kota Bandung
Permasalahan transportasi di daerah persimpangan banyak terjadi di berbagai kota. Pergerakan transportasi memerlukan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisa kinerja simpang APILL persimpangan Jl Jakarta - Jl Ibrahim Adjie Bandung sebelum dan setelah Flyover beroperasi. Digunakan PKJI 2014 sebagai pedoman analisa. Analisa dilakukan pada 7 kondisi yaitu Kondisi 1: Dj antara 0,762-1,357, tundaan rerata 249 det/smp. Kondisi 2: Dj antara 0,772-1,422, tundaan rerata 343,96 det/smp. Kondisi 3: Dj 0,666, tundaan rerata 50,99 det/smp. Kondisi 4: Dj = 0,88, tundaan rerata 117,12 det/smp. Kondisi 5: Dj 0,564, tundaan rerata 28,46 det/smp. Kondisi 6: Dj 0,829, tundaan rerata 95,23 det/smp. Kondisi 7: Dj 0,745, tundaan rerata 69,79 det/smp. Kondisi 5 yaitu Simpang APILL Setelah Beroperasinya Flyover (2 Fase Pagi) menghasilkan kinerja lebih baik untuk pagi hari. Kondisi 7 yaitu Simpang APILL Setelah Beroperasinya Flyover (2 Fase Sore) menghasilkan kinerja lebih baik untuk sore hari.
Kata kunci: waktu siklus, derajat kejenuhan, kinerja persimpangan, PKJI 2014.
The problems in the transportation sector is a problem in many cities. This transportation movement requires the adequated facilities and transportation infrastructures. The purpose of this study was to analyze the performance of signaled intersection at the junction of the Jakarta Rd – Ibrahim Adjie Rd, Bandung at condition before and after Flyover operates. The guidelines used is PKJI 2014. The performance calculation based on 7 conditions. The 1st condition: DS varied 0.762 to 1.357, the average delay is 249 sec/pcu. The 2nd condition: DS varied between 0.772 to 1.422, the average delay 343.96 sec/pcu. The 3rd condition: DS 0.666, the average delay is the intersection of 50.99 sec/pcu. The 4th condition: DS = 0.88, the average delay 117.12 sec/pcu. The 5th condition: DS 0.564, the average delay of 28.46 sec/pcu. The 6th condition: DS 0,829, an average delay of 95.23 sec/pcu. The 7th condition: DS 0.745, the average delay of 69.79 sec/pcu. The 5th condition is APILL intersection (2 phase in morning) produce better performance for the morning. The 7th condition is APILL intersection (2 phase in afternoon) produce better performance for the afternoon.
Keywords: cycle time, the degree of saturation, the performance of intersection, PKJI 2014.
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ISSN (elektronik) : 2477-2569Â Â
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Teknik Sipil Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung
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