Inventarisasi Emisi Pencemar Kriteria dan Gas Rumah Kaca dari Sektor Transportasi On-Road di Kota Bandung menggunakan Model International Vehicle Emissions (IVE)




Perkembangan Kota Bandung berimplikasi terhadap pesatnya pertumbuhan aktivitas transportasi. Akibatnya, terjadi peningkatan emisi kendaraan bermotor secara kontinu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengestimasi beban emisi pencemar kriteria dan gas rumah kaca dari sektor transportasi on-road di Kota Bandung, khususnya untuk truk. Estimasi beban emisi diperoleh dari hasil simulasi model IVE untuk menghasilkan faktor emisi lokal komposit disertai dengan pembaruan pada jumlah registrasi seluruh jenis kendaraan di Kota Bandung. Beban emisi total tahunan paling dominan yang dihasilkan dari aktivitas transportasi di Kota Bandung tahun 2019 yakni 5.286.612,81 ton/tahun (94,48%) CO2; 254.378,9 ton/tahun (4,55%) CO; dan 35.501,65 ton/tahun (0,63%) NOx dengan kontribusi terbesar berasal dari (98,9%) emisi running. Moda transportasi yang menyumbang proporsi emisi total terbesar berasal dari 43,4% mobil pribadi, 27,8% truk, 17,1% sepeda motor, dan 10,1% berasal dari bus.

Kata kunci: Aktivitas Transportasi, Model International Vehicle Emissions (IVE), Beban Emisi


The development of Bandung city has affected the level of community mobilization needs, which has implications for the rapid growth of transportation activities. As a result, an increase in motor vehicle emissions continues to have an impact on decreasing air quality in Bandung city. This study aims to estimate emission load of criteria pollutant and greenhouse gases from the on-road transportation sector, especially for trucks. Emission load estimates are obtained from the results of the IVE model simulation to generate composite local emission factors accompanied by updates on current registration numbers of vehicles in Bandung city. The most dominant total annual emission load generated from all type of fleets in Bandung city in 2019 was 5,286,612.81 tons/year (94.48%) CO2; 254,378.9 tons/year (4.55%) CO; and 35,501.65 tons/year (0.63%) NOx, with the largest contribution coming from running emissions. Major transportation modes that accounted for the largest proportion of total emissions came from 43.4% of private cars, 27.8% of trucks, 17.1% of motorbikes and 10.1% of buses.


Keywords: Transportation Activities, International Vehicle Emissions (IVE) Model, Emission Load

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