Usulan Strategi Mitigasi Risiko Aktivitas Proses Bisnis Dengan Menggunakan Metode House of Risk Di PT. Coppal
Ayu Zeka Ginianti, Hendang Setyo Rukmi
ABSTRAK PT. Coppal merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang moulding, jig and fixture, general component dan die casting. PT. Coppal dalam menjalankan aktivitas proses bisnisnya berpotensi menimbulkan berbagai risiko yang berbeda jenis, dampak, dan frekuensinya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi risiko dan memberikan usulan strategi mitigasi untuk risiko yang menjadi prioritas dengan menggunakan metode Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) dan House of Risk (HOR) untuk meminimasi dampak yang dapat merugikan perusahaan. Hasil yang diperoleh untuk HOR Fase I proses plan sebanyak 27 risk agent, proses source 24 risk agent, proses make 45 risk agent, proses deliver 21 risk agent, dan proses return 14 risk agent. Sedangkan hasil yang diperoleh untuk HOR Fase II proses plan sebanyak 7 usulan, proses source 10 usulan, proses make 14 usulan, proses deliver 7 usulan, dan proses return 9 usulan.
PT. Coppal is a company engaged in molding, jig and fixture, general component and die casting. PT. Coppal in carrying out its business process activities has the potential to pose various risks of different types, impacts, and frequencies. This research was conducted to identify risks and propose mitigation strategies for priority risks using the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) and House of Risk (HOR) methods to minimize the impact that could harm the company. The results obtained for HOR Phase I are 27 risk agents in the plan process, 24 risk agents source processes, 45 risk agents make processes, 21 risk agents deliver processes, and 14 risk agents return processes. While the results obtained for HOR Phase II are 7 proposed, source process 10 proposed, process make 14 proposed, process deliver 7 proposed, and process return 9 proposed.
Kata Kunci
Aktivitas proses bisnis, House Of Risk, SCOR, risk agent, usulan strategi mitigasi.
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