Analisis Hubungan Kualitas Air Terhadap Indeks Keanekaragaman Plankton dan Bentos Di Waduk Cirata

Ilma Prasiwi, Eka Wardhani


Waduk Cirata merupakan salah satu danau buatan yang terdapat di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Waduk Cirata terletak berurutan (cascade) diantara Waduk Saguling dan Jatiluhur yang membendung Sungai Citarum. Telah diketahui kualitas air sungai yang masuk ke Waduk Cirata telah tercemar dan menyebabkan kualitas air Waduk Cirata menurun. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka diperlukan suatu penelitian untuk mengetahui kualitas air menggunakan metode indeks pencemaran dengan indikator plankton dan bentos. Lokasi sampling dilakukan di Sungai Citarum, Cibalagung, Cicendo dan perairan Waduk Cirata di Desa Mande dan Margaluyu. Status mutu air sungai dan air Waduk Cirata dikategorikan cemar sedang. Parameter kualitas air sungai dan perairan Waduk Cirata yang melebihi baku mutu yaitu DO, BOD, Nitrit, Klorin Bebas, Timbal, dan Fenol. Total beban pencemaran dari 3 sungai yang masuk ke Waduk Cirata adalah BOD sebesar 10,839 kg/hari, Nitrit sebesar 0,336 kg/hari, Klorin Bebas sebesar 16,685 kg/hari, Timbal sebesar 0,083 kg/hari dan Fenol sebesar 0,008 kg/hari. Keanekaragaman plankton dan bentos di Desa Mande dan Margaluyu yaitu sedang. Di Desa Mande, spesies yang mendominasi fitoplankton yaitu Volvox sp. dan zooplankton yaitu Brachionus calyciflorus. Sedangkan bentos spesies yang mendominasi yaitu Filopaludina sp. Di Desa Margaluyu, spesies yang mendominasi fitoplankton yaitu Volvox sp. dan zooplankton yaitu Moina sp. Sedangkan bentos spesies yang mendominasi yaitu Macrobrachium sp.

Kata Kunci: Cirata, Citarum, Kualitas Air, Beban Pencemaran, Plankton, Bentos

Cirata Reservoir is one of the artificial lakes in West Java Province. Cirata Reservoir is located in a cascade between Saguling and Jatiluhur Reservoir which damages the Citarum River. It is known that the quality of river water entering the Cirata Reservoir has been polluted and caused the water quality of the Cirata Reservoir to decrease. Based on this, a study is needed to find out the quality of water using the pollution index method with plankton and benthic indicators. Sampling locations were carried out in the Citarum, Cibalagung, Cicendo and Cirata Reservoir waters in Mande and Margaluyu Villages. The status of river water quality and the water of Cirata Reservoir are categorized as medium pollution. Parameters of river and water quality of the Cirata Reservoir that exceed the quality standards are DO, BOD, Nitrite, Free Chlorine, Lead and Phenol. The total pollution load from the 3 rivers that enter the Cirata Reservoir is BOD of 10.839 kg/day, Nitrite of 0.336 kg/day, Free Chlorine of 16.658 kg/day, Lead of 0.083 kg/day and Fenol of 0.008 kg/day. The diversity of plankton and benthos in Mande and Margaluyu villages is medium. In Mande Village, the species that dominates phytoplankton namely Volvox sp. and zooplankton are Brachionus calyciflorus. Whereas the dominating benthic species, Filopaludina sp. In Margaluyu Village, the species that dominate the phytoplankton, Volvox sp. and zooplankton, Moina sp. Whereas the dominating benthic species are Macrobrachium sp.

Keywords: Cirata, Citarum, Water Quality, Pollution Load, Plankton, Bentos

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