Embodiment Relations of Technology (Computer) in Digital Design: Case Study Her Film by Spike Jonze's (2013)
Keterkaitan antara Desain dan Media seolah-olah menjadi tak terelakkan. Digital Desain menawarkan masa depan kognitif yang banyak mengambil peran dalam kehidupan manusia sehari-hari. Tidak hanya imaji, bahkan melampaui itu, hiper- realitas. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan studi literatur, mengidentifikasi bagaimana teknologi sebagai instrumen dapat mempengaruhi desain di masa depan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan serangkaian prediksi interaksi sosial antar- manusia sebagai relasi kebertubuhan yang tak dapat dipisahkan dengan teknologi. Kasus studi yang dianalisis adalah film Her (Spike Jonze, 2013); yang menarasikan dengan tepat bagaimana komputer, mempengaruhi artifisial desain, sampai pada akhirnya berdampak pada perilaku manusia. Kebergantungan manusia dengan teknologi internet, memunculkan realitas virtual; dan mengantarkan manusia pada era kebertubuhan teknologi; yang terbangun sebagai bagian dari perkembangan seni dan desain.
Kata kunci: kebertubuhan teknologi, digital desain, augmented reality
Design and media are linked in various fields. Digital design is becoming a cognitive
future that is taking a role to penetrate a variety of human activities. Not only imaging, but it has led to prestige and hyper-reality in interacting. This qualitative research uses a literature review to examine how technology as the result of instrumentation can affect design in the future. This research aimed to predict social and human interaction as embodiment relations. The study analyzing Film 'Her' (directed and written by Spike Jonze, 2013)—and identified that 'Her' shows future technological developments with a scientific approach predicted that the principles of physics will automatically change the design in practice, with the invention of computers—that began to radically change the system and the way mass communication took place, which meant forming an order of cultural significance in almost every kind of world society. Humans are so connected to each other by technology and the internet. By virtual reality that represents through technology, we are in the embodiment relations of the technology' era; which is developed as part of the role of art and design.
Keywords: embodiment relations, digital design, augmented reality
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Department of Visual Communication Design Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung
Address : PHH. Mustofa street 23 Bandung 40124
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Email : rekamakna@itenas.ac.id
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