Rancangan Permainan Kartu Bertemakan Agrobisnis Distopia (INGRA)




Rendahnya minat generasi muda terhadap sektor pertanian merupakan salah
satu penyebab permasalahan regenerasi petani di Indonesia saat ini. Tercatat di
tahun 2018, usia petani di bawah 35 tahun hanya berjumlah 10% dari total
keseluruhan jumlah petani di Jawa Barat. Fenomena tersebut kerap kali disebut
sebagai “penuaan petaniâ€. Rendahnya tingkat regenerasi petani muda tentunya
akan berdampak pula terhadap kemampuan produksi dan kelangsungan sektor
pertanian, dalam hal ini di provinsi Jawa Barat. Oleh karena itu, sebagai bagian
dari upaya meningkatkan motivasi serta mempersuasi generasi selanjutnya untuk
terlibat dalam industri pertanian, dibuatlah rancangan permainan kartu ini.
Permainan kartu dipilih sebagai media persuasif dikarenakan relasinya yang
cukup kuat dengan budaya bermain di kalangan masyarakat secara luas.
Pendekatan rancangan permainan kartu ini mengacu pada metode rancangan
permainan table-top atau boardgame secara umum.

Kata kunci: perancangan game, permainan kartu, agrobisnis, distopia


The low interest of the younger generation in the agricultural sector is one of the
causes of many problems with regeneration of farmers in Indonesia nowadays. It
was recorded that in 2018, the age of farmers under 35 was only 10% of the
total number of farmers in West Java. This phenomenon is often referred to as
"farmer aging". The low regeneration rate of young farmers will certainly have an
impact on the production capacity and sustainability of the agricultural sector, in
this case in West Java province. Therefore, as part of an effort to increase
motivation and persuade the next generation to be involved in the agricultural
industry, this card game design was created. Card games were chosen as a
persuasive medium because of their strong relationship with the culture of
playing among the wider community. This card game design approach refers to
the table-top or board game design method in general.

Keywords: game design, card game, agrobusiness, dystopia

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Department of Visual Communication Design Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung

Address : PHH. Mustofa street 23 Bandung 40124

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Email : rekamakna@itenas.ac.id


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