Perancangan Video Dokumenter Makna Tradisi Menjaga Alam di Gunung Puncak Salam Cireundeu Untuk Kalangan Gen–Z

Nur Mahdania Safitri, Eka Noviana


This study aims to design a documentary video that explores the tradition of environmental conservation in Mount Puncak Salam, Kampung Adat Cireundeu, Cimahi, as an effort to introduce the deep connection between humans and nature. This tradition faces challenges from the rapid urbanization of Cimahi, which has led to a decline in green spaces and posed a threat to local cultural values. Kampung Adat Cireundeu is known for its unique customs, such as barefoot hiking and the prohibition of red cloth, which reflect the indigenous community’s profound relationship with their natural surroundings. The design methodology involves literature reviews, in-depth interviews with traditional leaders and younger generations, as well as surveys of respondents aged 20–24 in major cities. The analysis indicates that while younger generations show interest in these traditions, they believe that the traditions need to be conveyed in a format that aligns with modern lifestyles. Therefore, this documentary is designed with a visual narrative approach that authentically depicts reality while delivering an inspiring and relatable message to the target audience.

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