Komposisi Elemen Grafis pada Produk Kreatif dalam Membangun Identitas Visual Jenama (Studi Kasus: Produk Aksesori "Tulisan")

Asri Radhitanti


Elemen grafis pada permukaan produk aksesori dapat dikelola dan dirancang sehingga memiliki peran dalam membangun identitas visual. Upaya ini dilakukan dalam membentuk kesadaran atas jenama yang kuat serta asosiasi jenama yang unik di benak konsumen. Identitas visual menjadi aset bisnis yang efektif karena mampu menyampaikan keunikan kualitas serta perbedaan yang dimiliki produk. Elemen grafis, khususnya elemen bidang, pada komposisi grafis permukaan produk akseseori "Tulisan", salah satu merek produk kreatif asal Jakarta - Indonesia, tampak memiliki peran yang cukup berpengaruh dalam membentuk identitas visual jenama. Kajian dilakukan melalui penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dan metode studi kasus dengan pengamatan terhadap elemen grafis, khususnya elemen bidang, produk-produk aksesori "Tulisan". Hasil penelitian berupa hasil pengamatan dan kajian atas elemen bidang dan bagaimana peran pengelolaan elemen bidang pada permukaan grafis produk-produk "Tulisan" dalam membangun identitas visual.

Kata kunci: elemen grafis, elemen bidang, identitas visual, aksesori


One effort in buliding a product's brand visual identity is designing graphic elements promptly to be applied on the product's surface design, in this case accessories products. Visual identity has become a valuable bussiness asset since it could effectively communicate the quality, uniqueness, and differentiation of the product. Thus, well-designed graphic elements applied on the accessories product's surface design could lead a positive impact to the brand as it could help increasing consumers' brand awareness and also forming brand association. The graphic elements on the surface of "Tulisan" products, one of the local creative brands from Jakarta - Indonesia, seemed to play a large role in building its visual brand identity. This study was put through a qualitative descriptive research using case study method to review on how "Tulisan" designed the graphic elements, especially the shape elements, and how these elements were playing their role in building "Tulisan" visual identity.


Keywords: graphic element, shape element, visual identity, accessories


One effort in buliding a product's brand visual identity is designing graphic elements promptly to be applied on the product's surface design, in this case accessories products. Visual identity has become a valuable bussiness asset since it could effectively communicate the quality, uniqueness, and differentiation of the product. Thus, well-designed graphic elements applied on the accessories product's surface design could lead a positive impact to the brand as it could help increasing consumers' brand awareness and also forming brand association. The graphic elements on the surface of "Tulisan" products, one of the local creative brands from Jakarta - Indonesia, seemed to play a large role in building its visual brand identity. This study was put through a qualitative descriptive research using case study method to review on how "Tulisan" designed the graphic elements, especially the shape elements, and how these elements were playing their role in building "Tulisan" visual identity.

Keywords: graphic element, shape element, visual identity, accessories

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Department of Visual Communication Design Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung

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