Workshop Eksplorasi Smartphone dalam Pembuatan Foto Profesional untuk Produk dan Jasa UMKM Komunitas Le93nd di Bandung

Iyus Kusnaedi, Inko Sakti Dewanto


Banyaknya usaha rumahan yang tumbuh pesat di tengah pandemik menyebabkan banyaknya usaha untuk menyajikan promosi yang efektif, bagus serta tepat sasaran sehingga menarik calon pembelinya. Salah satu cara yang mudah dilakukan untuk mempromosikan dagangan serta jasa yang ditawarkan adalah melalui media sosial, namun tampilan dan performa visual yang ditampilkan masih kurang representatif dan terkesan masih dibuat asal-asalan. Foto produk bisa dihasilkan dengan menggunakan fotografi smartphone, namun pelatihan khusus perlu diberikan kepada para pelaku usaha yang akan membuat foto produknya sendiri. Kegiatan Workshop eksplorasi Smartphone dalam pembuatan foto profesional untuk produk dan Jasa di Komunitas Le93nd Bandung diselenggrakan dengan cara pelatihan langsung menggunakan model pembelajaran Learning by Doing Tipe DORA (Doing, Observation, Reflection, Application) ini bisa meningkatkan kemampuan para anggota Le93nd khususnya para anggota di divisi Usaha dan Dagang yang memiliki usaha menengah / UMKM bisa memiliki bekal kemampuan untuk bisa membuat output foto jualan layaknya seperti tampilan professional dengan gawai/ smartphone yang mereka miliki. Dari workshop yang sudah dilaksanakan kepada 30 peserta, 28 di antaranya sudah bisa membuat foto produk menggunakan smartphone dengan cukup representatif. Mereka sudah mengunggah foto di medsos yang biasa mereka unggah dalam menjajakan hasil produknya. Hasil kuesioner dari 28 peserta yang mengisi, 21 peserta mengakui bahwa unggahan dengan foto hasil workshop lebih banyak mendapatkan respon dari orang yang melihat dan juga meningkatkan omset jualannya, yang tentunya pasti foto-foto produknya memiliki tampilan lebih baik daripada sebelum mereka mendapatkan pelatihan.


The significant growth of home business during the pandemic situation causes the owners to do various efforts to promote its products effectively. The effective promotion is hoped to be right on target and can attract the buyers to buy their products. One of the easy ways to do related to this case is by promoting the offered products through the social media. But the problem is the visual performance of the shown products is not representative enough and poorly designed. The pictures of the products actually can be taken by using the smartphone camera and edited through the available applications in it. To be able to help the owners of the home business create their own excellent product photos, they need to join special workshop related to the smartphone exploration in designing professional product and service photos. The workshop of smartphone exploration in designing professional product and service photos in Le93nd community Bandung will be held by conducting direct training. The direct training is applied through Learning by Doing with DORA (Doing, Observation, Reflection, Application) method. This training is hoped to help Le93nd members, especially those who are in Business and Trading division and own micro and medium enterprises, to acquire some skills that can be used to create the photos that show their products and services like the photos that are produced by professionals by using their smartphone. The workshop was then conducted. There were 30 participants who joined. 28 of them have been able to produce some photos that are representative enough to be able to be shown on their product or service photo galleries on their social media. The 21 of 28 people who participated in filling the given questionnaire related to this event admit that they get more responses from the people who look at their products on their photo galleries which they put on their social media than usual. They also admit that their income is better after they show those photos, and certainly their product and service photos are better in performance than before they joined the workshop. 

Kata Kunci

learning by doing, fotografi smartphone, foto produk, komunitas Le93nd

Teks Lengkap:



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