Ferdian Prayudi, Lisye Fitria, Lisye Fitria


Kota Bandung memiliki peluang usaha penyewaan sound system yang cukup besar. Untuk melihat peluang usaha penyewaan sound system perlu dilakukan analisis kelayakan usaha. Analisis kelayakan usaha ditinjau dari aspek pasar, teknis, manajemen sumber daya manusia, legal, dan finansial. Usaha penyewaan sound system dinyatakan layak berdasarkan 5 aspek. Berdasarkan analisis aspek finansial didapatkan nilai payback period selama 3 tahun 9 bulan, nilai NPV sebesar Rp. 1.968.068.308 dan nilai IRR sebesar 28,88% lebih besar dari MARR sebesar 12,88% untuk kapasitas layanan pesta sebanyak 4 acara dan ramai 12 acara. Berdasarkan hasil analisis sensitivitas usaha penyewaan sound system masih layak jika tidak terjadi penurunan jumlah permintaan dan harga sewa lebih dari 17,16%, dan kenaikan investasi lebih dari 28,1%.

Kata Kunci: Sound System, Analisis kelayakan, Investasi


Bandung has great opportunities is sound system rental business. Feasibility analysis is needed to be done to know the opportunities of this rental business. Analysis of the feasibility is reviewed from the aspects of the market, technical, human resources management, legal, and financial. Sound system rental businessis declared eligible based on five aspects. According to the analysis of the financial aspect, this business obtains payback period for 3 years and 9 months, its NPV (Nett Percent Value) is Rp. 1.968.068.308 and its IRR (Internal Rate of Return) (28,88%) which is more than MARR (12,88%) for party service capacity of 4 events and a bustling 12 events. Based on the result of the sensitivity analysis of sound system rental business is still feasible if the demand of sound system decrease and the rents is more than 17,16% and the investment increase more than 28,1%.


Keywords: Sound System, Feasibility Analysis, Investment

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