M Nafis Mudhoffar, Caecilia Sri Wahyuning, Cahyadi Nugraha


Timbulnya stres berdampak pada penurunan performansi kerja hingga gangguan kejiwaan. Pengukuran stres digunakan sebagai upaya pencegahan kerugian akibat stres, namun alat ukur stres yang telah tersedia di pasaran memiliki biaya yang mahal dan sulit diperoleh. Salah satu rancangan alat ukur stres  yang telah dikembangkan sebelumnya, dirancang berdasarkan pengukuran Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), namun alat tersebut memiliki kesulitan pembacaan pada indeks analog. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan Pengembangan dengan menggunakan indeks digital, berbasis sistem minimum microcontroller yang mengacu pada kaidah lima fase perancangan dan pengembangan produk. Berdasarkan hasil eksperimen, rancangan alat ukur stres digital dapat secara valid dan sensitif dalam mengukur tingkat stres. Rancangan alat ukur stres digital lebih baik dibandingkan dengan alat ukur analog, karena lebih mudah dalam pembacaan hasil stres dengan waktu yang lebih efisien.

Kata Kunci: Alat Ukur Stres, Galvanic Skin Response, Perancangan Produk, Microcontroller.


Incidence of stress leads to a decrease in work performance to psychiatric disorders. Stress measurements are used as prevention of loss due to stress, but the stress measuring devices on the market that are expensive and difficult to find. One of the design stress measurement tool that has been developed previously, designed based on the measurement of the Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), but these tools have difficulty reading the analog index. In this research, development using digital index, based by minimum system of microcontroller which refers to the rules of the five phases of design and product development. Based on the experimental results, the design of digital stress measuring instrument can be valid and sensitive measure of stress levels. The design of a digital measuring instrument stress better than the analog measuring instrument, because it is easier in the reading of the results of the stress with time more efficiently.

Key Word: Stress Measurement, Galvanic Skin Response, Product Design, Microcontroller

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