Muhammad Charisma Maghribi, Abu Bakar, Rispianda Rispianda


Kurangnya supply dan besarnya peluang pasar hamster di Bandung menjadi sebuah peluang untuk mendirikan peternakan hamster. Dilihat dari besarnya biaya investasi yang harus dikeluarkan, maka dibutuhkan sebuah studi mengenai analisis kelayakan usaha. Dalam analisis kelayakan usaha, perlu dilakukan analisis aspek pasar, aspek teknis, aspek sumber daya manusia, aspek legal dan lingkungan, serta aspek finansial. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kelima aspek tersebut, peternakan hamster di Bandung layak untuk diimplementasikan. Dengan kapasitas rata-rata 34.000 hamster per tahun menghasilkan Payback Period selama 2 tahun 2 bulan, Net Present Value sebesar Rp.25.386.066,-, dan Internal Rate of Return sebesar 48,10%. Analisis sensitivitas dilakukan terhadap dua paramenter, yaitu penurunan target penjualan dan kenaikan biaya pakan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis sensitivitas terhadap penurunan target penjualan, didapatkan angka 4,34%, dan 19,43% untuk parameter kenaikan biaya pakan sehingga menghasilkan Net Present Value = 0.

Kata Kunci: Peternakan Hamster, Studi Kelayakan, Investasi


The lack of supply and amount of marketspace hamster commodity in Bandung became an opportunity to establish a hamster farm. Judging from the magnitude of the investment costs to be incurred, it takes a study on the feasibility study. In conducting business feasibility study, it is necessary to analyze aspects of the market, technical aspects, human resources aspects, legal and environmental aspects, as well as financial aspects. Based on the analysis of the fifth aspect, hamster farm in Bandung feasible to implement. With average capacity of 34.000 hamsters per year generating payback period 2 years and 2 month, the Net Present Value is Rp.25.386.066,-, and Internal Rate of Return of is 48,10%. Sensitive analyze conducted on two paramenter,, that are decreasing in sales targets and increasing food cost. Based on sensitivity analyze result of the decreasing in sales targets, figures obtained 4.34%, and 19.43% for the increasing food cost parameters until Net Present Value = 0.

Keywords: Hamster farm , Feasibility Study, Investment

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