Penerapan Sistem Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning pada Perusahaan Elektronika

Rispianda Rispianda, Fatimah Eryanti, Cahyadi Nugraha


Keterkaitan sistem informasi yang terdapat di PT. X belum saling terintegrasi secara terkomputerisasi. Hal ini menyebabkan terjadinya kesalahan dalam perpindahan informasi cukup besar. Pengurangan kesalahan informasi sangat diharapkan oleh perusahaan, guna mencapai keefektifan kinerja, meningkatkan ketelitian, transparansi informasi dan kecepatan kerja perusahaan. Untuk memenuhi keinginan tersebut maka PT. X berupaya untuk menerapkan sistem informasi berbasis Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Software ERP yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini  adalah software berbasis Open Source yaitu open ERP. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan rancangan prototype implementasi sistem informasi berbasis sistem Open ERP. Tahapan yang dilakukan meliputi: indentifikasi proses bisnis; identifikasi kerangka modul Open ERP; perancangan hubungan antara proses bisnis dengan kerangka modul Open ERP; perancangan penerapan sistem ERP. Modul yang digunakan terdiri dari modul purchase, modul manufacturing, modul sale management, modul finance, modul warehouse, modul project. Berdasarkan analisis proses pengujian disimpulkan bahwa bahwa rancangan sistem ERP tersebut dapat diaplikasikan.

Kata kunci: Sistem informasi; ERP, Open ERP


The linkage system of the information contained in the PT. X is not an integrated computerized. This leads to errors in the transfer of information is large enough. Misinformation reduction is expected by the company, in order to achieve the effectiveness of performance, improving accuracy, transparency of information and speed of work of the company. To fulfill that desire, PT. X seeks to implement the information system -based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). ERP software used in this study is based on Open Source software is Open ERP. The purpose of this study is to produce a prototype design of information system implementation based Open ERP system. Steps being taken in this research include: identification of business processes; identification framework of Open ERP modules; design relationships between business processes with Open ERP module frame; design of the ERP system implementation. The module consists of: manufacturing module, sales management module, finance module, warehouse module, the module project  Based on the analysis of the testing process is concluded that the design of the ERP system that can be applied .

Keywords: Information Systems, ERP, Open ERP

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