Analisis Hubungan Beban Mental & Perubahan Performansi Masinis Selama Menjalankan Dinasan Di Daerah Operasional II Bandung

NOFRI LUDINI, Caecilia Sri Wahyuning, Dwi Novirani


Beban kerja masinis yang menuntut perhatian terus-menerus mengakibatkan kelelahan mental, sehingga berpengaruh terhadap turunnya performansi masinis dalam menanggapi sistem persinyalan. Penelitian ini menganalisis hubungan beban mental dilihat dari Heart Rate (HR) dan Heart Rate Variability (HRV) dan perubahan performansi masinis dilihat dari perubahan Reaction Time selama dinasan. Pengukuran HR dan HRV yang dilakukan menggunakan POLAR RS800, diambil pada 5 menit sebelum dan sesudah dinasan, sedangkan reaction time diukur dengan software DirectRT, dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah dinasan. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data menunjukan bahwa, semakin meningkat nilai HR atau menurunnya nilai HRV mengindikasikan besarnya tingkat beban mental dan fisik masinis.

Kata kunci: Heart Rate, Heart Rate Variability, Reaction Time


The workload of train drivers who demand sustained attention willcausethe mental fatigue so that it effect on decreasing the performance of drivers in response to the signaling system.This study will analyze the relationship between mental workload as seen from the Heart Rate (HR) and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and changes in driver performance as seen from the changes of Reaction Time during the running of duties. HR and HRV measurements are performed using POLAR Rs800, it takes at 5 minutes before and after duties, the reaction time is measure using the software DirectRT at the time before and after duties. Based on the data processing, that increasing or decreasing the value of HR HRV values indicate the amount of mental workoad and physical level of train driver.

Key words:Heart Rate, Heart Rate Variability, Reaction Time

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