Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Lemari/Rak Simple and Easy Delivery Di Kecamatan Cikarang

ANGGI SENDI ADITYA, Abu Bakar, Lisye Fitria


Pada tahun 2012 pertumbuhan penduduk di cikarang naik sebesar 4,23%, yang menyebabkan permintaan akan kebutuhan perumahan unfurnished meningkat. Pada umumnya supplier furniture di Cikarang menjual produk dengan harga mahal tetapi kualitas rendah, produk tidak memakai konsep knockdown dan self-assembly. Hal ini membuka peluang dalam mendirikan usaha furniture lemari/rak yang memiliki konsep tersebut. Sehingga perlu dilakukan studi kelayakan usaha dengan menganalisis beberapa aspek yaitu pasar, teknis, legal dan lingkungan, manajemen sumber daya manusia dan finansial. Dengan target penjualan produk type Credenza, Book Case, dan Show Case masing-masing 300, 900, dan 500 per tahun, didapatkan payback periode selama 4 tahun 2 bulan, net present value Rp.1.409.314.008 , dan Internal rate of return sebesar 26.04%.

Kata kunci: Furniture, Knockdown and Self-Assembly Product, Analisis Kelayakan Bisnis


In 2012 the population growth at Cikarang increased about 4.23%, which led the demand for unfurnished housing increased. Generally, the furniture suppliers at Cikarang sell their products with high price but low quality, not use the concept of self-assembly and knockdown products. This will open a business opportunities in the furniture business especially cabinet/rack with that concepts. So the feasibility studies of this business is needed, which will analyze several aspects such as market, technical, legal and environmental, human resource management and financial. With sales target of product type of Credenza, Book Case, and Show Case for 300, 900, and 500 per year will obtain payback period of 4 years and 2 months, net present value of Rp. 1.409.314.008, and internal rate of return of 26.04%.

Keywords: Furniture, Knockdown and Self-Assembly Product, Business Feasibility Analysis

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