Usulan Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Jasa pada Bengkel “X†Berdasarkan Hasil Matrix Importance-Performance Analysis

Rizal Nugraha, Ambar Harsono, Hari Adianto


Dalam usaha melayani kebutuhan pelanggan, Bengkel Resmi HONDA AHASS PD. Sumber Motor Karawang selalu ingin meningkatkan kualitasnya. Dengan banyaknya kompetitor yang bergerak dibidang yang sama membuat Bengkel AHASS PD. Sumber Motor Harus dapat mempertahankan pelanggan, serta mengurangi keluhan dari pelanggan mengenai pelayanan Bengkel AHASS PD. Sumber Motor. Dalam penelitian ini perhitungan Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), dan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) dilakukan secara keseluruhan dan usulan perbaikan dilakukan hanya berdasarkan segmentasi yaitu pada pelanggan dengan jumlah pemakaian jasa bengkel ≥ 7 kali dan pendapatan 2 sampai 3 juta. Hasil yang didapat dari perhitungan Customer Satisfaction Index adalah 90,979%, dan atribut yang menjadi usulan perbaikan adalah atribut yang berada pada kuadran pertama matrix Importance Performance Analysis, yaitu ketersediaan ruang tunggu, ruang resepsionis yang nyaman, ketersediaan kipas angin, tersedia sarana hiburan, tersedia seragam formal untuk mekanik, kerapian pegawai, dan kesopanan resepsionis.

Kata kunci: Kepuasan Pelanggan, Customer Satisfaction Index, Importance Pefrormance Analysis



In an effort to serve the needs of customer, HONDA AHASS PD. Sumber Motor Authorized Repair Karawang always want to improve its quality. With so many  competitors in the same field HONDA AHASS PD. Sumber Motor Authorized Repair should be able to retain customers, and reduce complaints from customers about the service in HONDA AHASS PD. Sumber Motor Authorized Repair. In this research Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), and Importance

Performance Analysis (IPA) calulations performed in it’s entirety and the proposed repairs done only based on segmentation the customers with a number of service usage ≥ 7 and revenue of 2 to 3 million. The results obtained from the calculation of the Customer Satisfaction Index is 90,979%, and attributes that are being proposed improvements is an attribute that is in the first quadrant matrix of Importance Performance Analysis, are is availability of a waiting room, a cozy reception room, availability of a fan, availability of entertainment, a formal uniforms for mechanics, neatness in employee performance, and the politeness of receptionist.

Key word: Consumer Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction Index, Importance Performance Analysis

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