Optimisasi Kebutuhan Terminal Loading Point di PT X

RIKA KARTIKA, Susy Susanty, Fifi Herni Mustofa


Divisi X mempunyai tugas utama yaitu menerima, menyimpan, merawat dan mengirim produk ke konsumen. Salah satu produk yang dikelola yaitu Hot Roll Plate (HRP) dan salah satu moda angkutan yang digunakan untuk pengiriman yaitu truk. Dalam kegiatan loading produk HRP terjadi antrean truk di area Terminal Loading Point di Gudang 09 dan 12. Penyebab terjadinya antrean yaitu dalam proses pemuatan (loading), operator terlebih dahulu mencari produk HRP yang akan dimuat/dikirim. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menentukan kebutuhan jumlah Terminal Loading Point di Gudang 09 dan Gudang 12 yang optimal dengan kriteria minimasi total biaya antrean. Metode pemecahan masalah menggunakan Metode Antrean (M/M/c) : (FCFC/~/~). Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan diperoleh bahwa jumah Terminal Loading Point sebanyak dua Terminal Loading Point untuk masing-masing gudang.

Kata kunci: Gudang, Terminal Loading Point, Metode Antrean


Division X has the main task of receiving, storing, treating and send the product to the consumer. One of the products that run is Hot Roll Plate (HRP) and one mode of transportation used for the delivery is truck. In the activity of loading HRP product, the truck queue occurs in area Terminal Loading Point in Warehouse 09 and 12. Cause of the queuing that is in the process of loading, the operator first seek HRP product to be loaded / shipped. The research aims to determine the needs of the number of Terminal Loading Point in Warehouse 09 Warehouse 12 is optimal with the total queuing cost minimization criterion. Method of problem solving using Queue Method (M/ M/ c): (FCFC/~/~). Based on the calculations, that the number of Terminal Loading Point as much as two Terminal Loading Point for each warehouse.

Keywords: Warehouse, Terminal Loading Point, Queue Method

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