Jeanet Ayu Pongtinamba, Abu Bakar, Dwi Novirani


Kebutuhan masyarakat di bidang jasa yang terus meningkat adalah salah satu alasan yang membuat perusahaan baru saling bersaing, setiap perusahaan dituntut mampu memberikan kualitas pelayanan yang terbaik. PT. “X†merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa pengiriman paket atau barang, saat ini perusahaan masih menerima keluhan dari konsumen dikarenakan kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan oleh perusahaan kurang maksimal. Peningkatan kualitas layanan dilakukan dengan menggunakan integrasi Metode Importance Performance Matrix dan Kano Model. Hasil pengintegrasian kedua metode secara paralel menghasilkan matrix kuadran, dimana kudran tersebut akan memberikan prioritas utama terhadap variabel yang perlu ditingkatkan. Hasil integrasi diketahui bahwa variabel yang perlu ditingkatkan yaitu jaminan berupa ganti rugi terhadap kiriman yang rusak, terlambat, ataupun salah kirim, kecepat tanggapan customer service, petugas loket melayani transaksi dengan cepat dan tepat, serta iklan untuk promosi terhadap jasa yang diberikan menarik perhatian konsumen.

Kata Kunci: Kualitas pelayanan, Importance Performance Matrix, Kano Model



People needs in the service sector that growing fast is one of the reasons that make new companies compete each other, each company is required to providing the best quality service. PT. "X" is a company that provide shipping services or goods, it is still receiving complaints from consumers because of the quality of services provided by the company less than the maximum. Improved quality of service is done by using the integration method Importance Performance Matrix and Kano Model. Results of the integration of the two parallel methods are produce matrix quadrant, where in the quadrant will give top priority to the variables that need to be improved. Results of integration is known that the variables that need to be improved, is the compensation for damaged items, late, wrong address, fast response of the customer service, counter clerk serving transactions quickly and accurately, as well as advertisement for the promotion of the services that attract consumers.

Keywords: Quality of Service, Importance Performance Matrix, Kano Model

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