REKA ELKOMIKA Journal Template
Institut Teknologi Nasional
11st Author’s Affiliation (Institution of 1st Author)
22nd Author’s Affiliation (Institution of 2nd Author)
33rd Author’s Affiliation (Institution of 3rd Author)
Email (only 1st author):
Received 30 November 201x | Revised 30 Desember 201x | Accepted 30 Januari 201x
The REKA ELKOMIKA journal of Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung has a focus on the field of community development that related to technology, especially energy, telecommuniacations, and electronics. To facilitate the editing process, the authors are encouraged to follow the guidelines for writing this article as a whole. The format and style contained in this file are in accordance with the specifications written in the writing instructions, so this file can be used as a template. The number of pages is between 8 to 10 pages, including images, tables, lists of references, and abstracts in English. Articles are submitted in MS Word format (.doc or .docx) through the Open Journal System (OJS). The abstract contains a summary of backgrounds, methods, and research results, with the maximum number of characters being 150.
Keywords: author’s guideline, document’s template, format, style, abstract
In order to maintain the quality of the article's appearance in the journal, the authors are required to pay close attention to all the provisions described below. Please note that the article format and the level of plagiarism (using iThenticate software) will be checked first by the managing Editor. The Editorial Board will return articles submitted that deviate from the terms of article’s writing, before being examined by Bestari Partners (Reviewers / Experts) in accordance with the scientific field of the article. Likewise, if the level of plagiarism exceeds the limit set by the editorial board. Mitra Bestari's decision regarding the eligibility of articles to be published in a journal is absolute and fully belongs to the Journal. Review by Mitra Bestari is conducted anonymously (peer blind-review), ie both parties do not know each other. If needed, the writer can always consult with the Editorial Board regarding the publishing of articles in the journal. (Meier, 2012)
2.1 Layout
The body of the article must be arranged in one column. This document is prepared in a format that must be used by each writer in the article. To maintain the quality of a journal's appearance, each article submitted must comply with the following specifications:
A4 paper size (21 cm x 29.7 cm)
On the first page, the top margin (the distance between the top edge of the paper and the top of the first row of headings) is 4.0 cm. Whereas on the second page and so on, the top margin is 3.0 cm.
The left, bottom and right margins for all article pages are 2.5 cm.
Header distance from the edge of the paper by 1.5 cm, while for the footer 2 cm.
The number of pages for each article is between 8-10 pages
This writing instructions file uses the recommended standard writing rules and formats, so it can be directly used as templates.
2.2 Instruction for Letters and Paragraphs
The font used is Tahoma for all styles. Font sizes that must be used in the article are 18 bold points (for the title), 12 points (for the author's name, affiliation, and email address), 11 point italics (for abstracts and keywords), 11 points (for the body of the body and the title section and subsections), and 10 points (for headers and footers). Math formulas must be 11 point Equation (Insert Equation tab menu), with slightly smaller subscripts and superscripts (10 points), as shown in Equation (1) with capital letters beginning.
A=πx+an=k=0nnkxkan-k (1)
The title is centered at the top of the first page. The author's name (without title) is placed under the title, followed by affiliation and the first author's email address, all centered.
The title of the abstract must be centered after the author's identity, with abstract content measuring 11 point italic (italic), and written in English. The abstract is written with a left and right margin of 3.5 cm (protrudes 1 cm from the page margin with justify paragraph). The maximum number of words in each abstract is 150 words. Keywords listed after abstract, amounting to between 5 (five) to 6 (six) pieces of keywords written in italic 11-point letters, to indicate the subject matter of the article, as well as for indexing purposes.
It should be noted that the procedures for writing paragraphs that are applied are straight, so that the beginning of the paragraph is not placed indented. Give a space of 1 space (12 points) between paragraphs. Note also the provisions of writing a good paragraph, including the number of sentences in each paragraph, the main sentence, one paragraph contains only one main idea, and other standard provisions.
2.3 Title Writing
Article Title: Article titles must be capitalized at the beginning of every word, except for conjunctions. Titles of more than two lines are arranged to form an inverted pyramid. On the first page of the writing instructions there is an example of the desired writing. The maximum number of words in the title suggested in the writing of the article is 12 words.
Section Title: Section titles must be written entirely in capital letters in bold type without underscores, and centered, and numbered with numbers.
Subsection Title: Subsection titles must be written in bold type, lower case with a capital letter at the beginning of the word, and put without indent (not indented). Give every subsection a sequential number beginning with the section number.
Sub-subsection Title: Sub-subsections are written in bold type, with sequential numbers beginning with the subsection number. Title Sub-subsections are placed without indent (not indented). Although this Journal manages the format of the Sub-subsection Title, as far as possible the sub-subsection is avoided. It is not recommended to have a heading that is lower than the Sub-subsection Title.
Figure / Table Title: The figure or table title is written in 10 points font size, bold, lower case with a capital letter at the beginning of the word, and everything is placed in the middle. The figures are numbered sequentially, as is the Table. The figure title is placed under the picture, while the table title is placed above the table. The title of the figure or table that is more than one line is written like an inverted pyramid.
2.4 Header and Footer Writing
The format for all headers and footers in this template can be used immediately. Especially for the first page header and Footer for all pages.
First page header: The header on the first page consists of the Journal title, Journal copyright mark, and Journal number which will be updated by the Editor. The header is written in Tahoma letters with a size of 10 points.
Headers on even page numbers: Headers on even page numbers consist of the author’s names of the article, in Tahoma letters, 10 points in size centered. If the article is written by more than the same as 3 people, then only write the first author's last name, imbued with the words et al. afterwards.
Headers on odd page numbers: Headers on odd page numbers consist of the title of the article in the lower case with a capital letter at the beginning of the word, Tahoma letters are 10 points, written in the middle (centered).
Footer: All pages in the article have the same footer form. Footer consists of writing "[Journal Name]" followed by a dash line and page numbers that begin with the number 1 on the first page in Tahoma letters measuring 10 points. The page number will be updated by the Editor when it is loaded.
2.5 Sources and Reference List Writing
Caution in writing sources and Reference Lists is a must so that writers can avoid plagiarism. For this reason, it is recommended that the authors strictly follow the terms of source writing and Reference List in this guide. Author of the article is fully responsible for the writing of the references, sources of references, and the Referral Lists. All sources listed in the Reference List must be referred to in the body of writing, and only the references referred to in the writing are included in the Reference List (References, not Bibliography). The source is written by following the procedures (style) issued by APA, namely by including the last name of the source author referenced, followed by the year number. Reference Lists are also written by following the alphabetical order starting from the letters A to Z. Examples of writing Reference Lists can be seen in the last part of this guide. Writing a list of references and citation methods are required to use reference software such as mendeley, endnotes, word references, and others.
2.6 Figure
Only figures that have direct relevance to the exposure may be included in the article. The figure is centered, where it is most relevant to the sentence that referred to it in the article. Each figure (photos, graphics, and diagrams) in the article must be accompanied by a description / title of the figure with sequential figure numbers, written below the figure in the middle position with a font size of 10 points bold. For example: "Figure 1. ASFR Trends in Africa". Figure must be directly relevant to the article, and always referred to in the article (referred to as "Figure 1", beginning with capital letters). The author is fully responsible for the quality of the figure listed. The journal can accept color images, but will not make any corrections to its quality. All figure should be compressed so that it has a maximum resolution of 220 dpi, and always delete the cropped part. If the figure was taken from another source, always list the source from which the figure was taken as part of the title of the image. Editors can adjust the size and resolution of the image if needed. All figure may not be taken from other sources, but must be original made by the author.
Figure 1. ASFR Trends in Africa
2.7 Table
Only tables that have direct relevance to the exposure may be included in the article. The table is placed in the middle, where it is most relevant to the sentences that refer to it in the article. Each table must have a title and sequential table number, written above each table in the middle position with a font of writing similar to the figure, such as "Table 1. Comparison of Population per District in 2010". Tables are referred to in the article as "Table 1" beginning with a capital letter. The size of the letters for the contents of the table adjusted to the needs, taking into account readability. If it is needed, the type of letters can be adapted to leaner letters such as Arial Narrow.
Tabel 1. Comparison of Population per District in 2010
Head of Table Column 1 |
Head of Table Column 2 |
Head of Table Column 3 |
Head of Table Column 4 |
Content of 11 |
Content of 12 |
Content of 13 |
Content of 14 |
Content of 21 |
Content of 22 |
Content of 23 |
Content of 24 |
Exposure in the article is written in accordance with the rules of writing a good scientific article. Basically, the article consists of parts as follow:
Results and Discussion
Writing standards for written bodies also refer to writing good scientific articles. As far as possible the author's point of thinking is outlined in paragraph form, and not by enumerating using numbers. The use of bullets is not recommended at all. If bullet writing forms a complete sentence, then just write it as a sentence in the paragraph. If it is only a phrase, then write it as part of a complete sentence. If it is really needed, give the serial number in parentheses to mark, and separated by semicolons.
Write the contents of the conclusions using the same letters and paragraph styles as the other sections. To avoid article writing errors, it is recommended to directly use this document as a format (template) by removing the contents of these writing instructions and saving (save as) in accordance with the requested file name.
This section contains thanks to an agency if the research was funded or received support by the agency accompanied by the research contract number, or if there are parties who have significantly assisted directly with the research or writing of this article. If the party is already listed as an author, then there is no need to mention it again in this Acknowledgment.
Book Reference:
Meier, R. (2012). Professional AndroidTM 4 Application Development. Indianapolis: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Bohmer, M. (2012). Beginning Android ADK with Arduino. Newyork: Apress.
Journal Reference:
Atzori, L., & Andreas. (2012). Performance Analysis of Fractal Modulation Transmission over Fast Fading Wireless Channels. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 48(2), 103 - 110.
Darlis, A. R., Lidyawati, L., & Nataliana, D. (2016). Implementasi Visible LIght Communication (VLC) pada Sistem Komunikasi. Elkomika, 1(1), 13 - 25.
Proceeding Reference:
Zeng, G., & Qiu, Z. (2008). Audio Watermarking in DCT. International COnference on Signal Processing, (pp. 2193 - 2196).
Online Source Reference (avoided):
Macleod, D. (2010, June 25). Post-Modernism and Urban Planning. Retrieved from
Reference list must be at least 10 references that spread over the last 10 years.
The entire list of references above must be referred to in the article with examples
... In 2012, a study conducted by Meier (Meier, 2012) and her team, tried to send data at high speed ...
Writing a reference list is required to use a reference writing application, such as mendeley, endnotes, word references, or others.