Improvement of Plastic Waste Processing In The Plastic Waste Processing Industry at Tanjungsari District Sumedang

Ahmad Munandar, Ketut Abimanyu Munastha, Nurwathi Nurwathi, Udin Komarudin, Leni Herdiani, R. Ismet Ruhimat


The waste problem is a very complex discussion. Every day thousands of tons of waste are produced by industry and households. The most complicated problem of handling waste today is plastic. Until now, Indonesia is the number two plastic waste-producing country in the world, amounting to 187.2 million tons/year (2015). This problem needs to be solved scientifically, given the pollution generated by plastic waste is getting worse. One of the efforts made is to recycle plastic waste, such as the people of Cinanjung Village, Kutawaringin Village, and Hegarmanah Village, Tanjungsari District, Sumedang Regency. The problems that arise are (1) the process of making "butek" (plastic seeds) is still very traditional which endangers the safety of the craftsman and the surrounding environment, (2) the process of making plastic seeds requires a long time, (3) the production management system is managed simply. The solution offered is designing and making Plastic Lubricating Machines as well as management and technical training in the use of lubricating machines. From the use of the lubricating machine it can be concluded that; (1) the production process is efficient and effective, (2) occupational health and safety are concerned, (3) the quality of the product is better, (4) production management is organized and recorded.


plastic seeds, lubricating machines, waste


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