Workshop on STM32 Board Utilization to Elevate the Expertise of Electrical Vocational High School (SMK) Teachers in the Greater Bandung Region

Maman Somantri, Resa Pramudita, Muhammad Adli Rizqulloh, Roer Eka Pawinanto


The STM32 microcontroller technology workshop, held in the Greater Bandung region, was a pioneering initiative aimed at enhancing the skills of vocational high school educators. It provided in-depth knowledge and practical experience in advanced STM32 features like GPIO, ADC, PWM, and UART communication. The workshop employed an active, participant-focused approach, ensuring impactful learning. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with high satisfaction rates in content quality (83.5%), delivery method (81.75%), and hands-on activities (79.25%). However, suggestions for improvement included better preparatory materials and post-workshop support. Overall, the workshop marked a significant step in advancing the professional development of educators and elevating the quality of technical and vocational education in the region.


Teacher Training; STM32; Microcontroller; Engineering Education

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