Analisis Kinerja Radio Frekuensi (RF) Interface Pada Perangkat Digital Microwave Digital Fixed Radio System (DFRS)




Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisis kinerja perangkat radio microwave digital yang digunakan untuk menunjang komunikasi data wireless dengan kapasitas yang besar. Untuk itu diperlukan pengujian untuk mengetahui kehandalan dari perangkat radio microwave digital dengan frekuensi kerja 8 GHz, dimana salah satunya adalah pengujian RF Interface. Analisis kinerja RF Interface terhadap perangkat Radio Microwave Digital tipe Huawei RTN optix 980L meliputi 8 macam pengujian yaitu daya pancar, Frekuensi, Specrtum Mask, Occupation Channel Spacing Bnadwidth, Spurious Emission, Sensitivitas penerima, Modulasi adaptif dan Automatic Daya pancar Control (ATPC). Pengujian ini dilakukan dengan cara simulasi di laboratorium divisi iDec PT.TELKOM. Hasil pengujian kemudian dibandingkan dengan standar STEL yang digunakan sebagai standar PT.TELKOM, didapatkan hasil pengujian daya pancar pada setiap modulasi tidak melebihi margin daya pancar sebesar ±2 dB, frekuensi tidak melebihi 50 ppm, spectrum mask dinyatakan spektrum tidak melebihi mask yang digunakan, occupation channel spacing bandwidth tidak kurang dari 24 MHz, spurious emission tidak melebihi ≤ 65 dBm untuk spurious power emission dan tidak melebihi ≤ 85 dBm, receive signal level sensitivitas penerima tidak melebihi -67 dBm, fitur modulasi adaptif bekerja sesuai dengan variable attenuator yang diatur, dan fitur automatic transmit power control bekerja sesuai dengan variable attenuator yang diatur. Dari hasil tersebut perangakat dinyatakan layak pada pengujian RF Interface karena sudah sesuai dengan standar yang dipakai yaitu STEL.

Kata kunci : Radio Microwave Digital , RF Interface, komunikasi data wireless


In this research, an analysis of the performance of digital microwave radio equipment is used to support wireless data communication with a large capacity. It is necessary for the test to determine the reliability of digital microwave radio device with working frequency of 8 GHz, one of which is testing of the RF interface. The analysis of the performance of the RF Interface for Digital Microwave Radio device types Huawei Optix RTN 980L included 8 kinds of testing that was an emittance, Frequency, Spectrum Mask, Occupation Channel Spacing Bandwidth, Spurious Emission, receiver sensitivity, adaptive modulation and automatic transmit power control (ATPC). The test was performed by means of simulation in the laboratory division PT.TELKOM IDEC. The test results were then compared to the standard that was used as a standard STEL PT.TELKOM. The test results were obtained on each modulation transmit power, that it did not exceed the transmit power margin of ± 2 dB, the frequency did not exceed 50 ppm, the declared spectrum mask did not exceed the spectrum mask was used, the occupation bandwidth channel spacing was not less than 24 MHz, the spurious emission did not exceed 65 dBm for spurious emission power and did not exceed 85 dBm. The receive signal level did not exceed the receiver sensitivity -67 dBm, the adaptive modulation feature worked in accordance with the regulated variable attenuator, and the automatic transmit power control feature worked in accordance with the regulated variable attenuator. By these results, the equipment declared eligibility on the testing of RF interface because it was in accordance with the standards those were used in STEL.

Key Words : Digital Microwave Radio, RF Interface, kWireless Data Communication


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ISSN : 2337-439X

Ketua Editor :

Dr. Waluyo, M.T.

Editor :

1. Dwi Aryanta, Ir., M.T.

2. Arsyad Ramadhan Darlis, S.T., M.T.

3. Andre Widura, S.T., M.T.

4. Hendi Handian Rachmat, ST., MT., Ph.D.

Administrator :

Yugo Senddy P.