Analisis Kinerja VoIP pada Jaringan Akses Wireless LAN berbasis Open IMS Core




IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) merupakan salah satu arsitektur bidang telekomunikasi yang menyediakan layanan berbasis multimedia. Open IMS Core adalah software open source yang dapat melakukan simulasi jaringan IMS dikembangkan oleh Institute FOKUS untuk melayani VoIP server. Perbedaan interkoneksi jaringan PSTN dan jaringan IMS  membutuhkan penghubung untuk menjembatani keduanya. Electronic Number Mapping (ENUM) adalah solusi untuk mengatasi masalah perbedaan interkoneksi. Pada penelitian ini akan melayani VoIP pada Open IMS Core, memadukan antara Open IMS Core dengan server ENUM yang dikombinasikan dengan menggunakan jaringan wireless LAN dan menganalisis QoS yaitu delay, jitter, packet loss dan troughput yang dihasilkan dalam proses panggilan antar client. Dari hasil pengujian melalui tanpa server ENUM diketahui bahwa rata-rata delay 12,388 ms, rata-rata jitter 34,764 ms, rata-rata packet loss 0% dan rata-rata troughput 138,354 kbps. Pengujian melalui server ENUM diketahui rata-rata delay 10,912 ms, rata-rata jitter 32,018 ms, rata-rata packet loss 0% dan rata-rata troughput 155,29 kbps.

Kata Kunci : Open IMS Core, VoIP, ENUM, QoS


IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) is a telecommunications architecture that provides multimedia based services. Open IMS Core is an open source software that can operate network simulation developed by the Institute FOKUS IMS to serve the VoIP server. The Difference of interconnect by between PSTN networks and IMS networks is require of the liaison to bridge them. Electronic Number Mapping (ENUM) is the solution to overcome the problem of interconnective difference. This research will serve VoIP on the Open IMS Core, combining the Open IMS Core and ENUM server combined by using of wireless LAN networks and analyze QoS i.e. the delay, jitter, packet loss and throughput resulting in calls and the client process. Based on the test results without through ENUM server it was known that the delay average of 12.388 ms, jitter average of 34.764 ms, packet loss average of 0% and average throughput of 138.354 kbps. ENUM server the testing through it was known the delay average of 10.912 ms, jitter average of 32.018 ms, packet loss average of 0% and average throughput of 155.29 kbps.

Keywords: Open IMS Core, VoIP, ENUM, QoS


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ISSN : 2337-439X

Ketua Editor :

Dr. Waluyo, M.T.

Editor :

1. Dwi Aryanta, Ir., M.T.

2. Arsyad Ramadhan Darlis, S.T., M.T.

3. Andre Widura, S.T., M.T.

4. Hendi Handian Rachmat, ST., MT., Ph.D.

Administrator :

Yugo Senddy P.