Studi Besaran Torka Induksi pada Motor Listrik Hoist Berdasarkan Hasil Perhitungan dan Simulasi




Studi besaran torka induksi telah dilakukan pada motor listrik hoist crane  NHE3T. Dalam bidang perencanaan, penggunaan motor listrik sebagai penggerak dan beban yang digerakkan diperlukan perhitungan torka yang terdapat pada poros motor yang dipakai untuk menggerakkan motor. Hal ini perlu dilakukkan agar sistem tidak mengalami gangguan pada saat dibebani. Pengujian dilakukkan pada motor listrik hoist crane, 3 fasa, 4 kW, 380 Volt, 50 Hz, 1500 rpm, kapasitas beban maksimum sebesar 3 ton. Dari hasil pengukuran dilakukkan pengolahan data secara perhitungan matematis dan hasil dari perhitungan tersebut akan dibandingkan dengan hasil simulasi simulink matlab yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik kinerja dari motor listrik hoist. Hasil dari perhitungan didapatkan torka induksi motor, beban 0 kg, 1982 kg, 2672 kg berturut-turut sebesar 8,22 N.m, 15,79 N.m, 20,73 N.m. Sedangkan, hasil simulasi simulink matlab didapatkan torka induksi motor, beban 0 kg, 1982 kg, 2672 kg berturut-turut sebesar 8,638 N.m, 15,48 N.m dan 20,21 N.m.

Kata Kunci : motor listrik hoist, torka pada poros motor, torka induksi kerja motor.


Study of the magnitude torque induction has been done on the electric motor hoist crane NHE3T. In the field of planning, the use of the electric motors as the driving and driven load torque were required calculations contained in the engine shaft as used to drive the motors. This case should be done so that the system has not impaired when under loading. The tests were carried out on the electric motor hoist crane , 3-phase , 4 kW , 380 Volt , 50 Hz , 1500 rpm, a maximum load capacity of 3 tons. From the results of measurements, the performed data processing in mathematical calculations and the results of the calculations would be compared with the results of the simulation matlab simulink which aims to determine the performance characteristics of the electric motor hoist. The results of the calculation were obtained the torque induction motor, load 0 kg, 1982 kg, 2672 kg, were 8.22 N.m, 15.79 N.m, 20.73 N.m. respectively. Meanwhile, the results of simulink matlab simulation were obtained the torque induction motor, load 0 kg, 1982 kg, 2672 kg were 8.638 N.m, 15.48 N.m, 20.21 N.m respectively.

Keywords : motor electric hoist, torque on the motor shaft, torque induction motors work.


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ISSN : 2337-439X

Ketua Editor :

Dr. Waluyo, M.T.

Editor :

1. Dwi Aryanta, Ir., M.T.

2. Arsyad Ramadhan Darlis, S.T., M.T.

3. Andre Widura, S.T., M.T.

4. Hendi Handian Rachmat, ST., MT., Ph.D.

Administrator :

Yugo Senddy P.