Peningkatan Performa MobilenetV3 dengan Squeeze-and-excitation (Studi Kasus Klasifikasi Kesegaran Ikan Berdasarkan Mata Ikan)




Ikan mengandung banyak nutrisi, protein tinggi yang memiliki banyak manfaat untuk tubuh manusia. Hal tersebut, membuat banyak masyarakat mengkonsumsi ikan sebagai makanan sehari – hari. Sehingga diperlukan ketelitian masyarakat ketika membeli ikan menjadi perhatian serius dalam memilih ikan terkait kesegarannya. Penelitian dilakukan  dengan mengklasifikasikan 24 kelas kesegaran ikan berdasarkan mata ikan dengan menguji performa arsitektur MobileNetV3 dengan Squeeze-and-excitation. Hasil yang didapatkan model dengan kinerja terbaik diperoleh pada hyperparameter learning rate 0.00001, batch size train 10 val 10, optimizer ADAM, epochs 100 dengan model arsitektur MobileNetV3-Small. berdasarkan hasil evaluasi performa model didapatkan 68% accuracy, 69% precision, 67% recall dan 68% f1-score pada pengujian 876 data uji dengan 24 kelas yaitu terdiri dari tingkat kesegaran dan jenis ikan yang berbeda.

Kata kunci: MobileNetV3, Hyperparameter, Mata Ikan, Klasifikasi


Fish contains many nutrients, high protein which has many benefits for the human body. This, makes many people consume fish as daily food. So that people need to be careful when buying fish to be a serious concern in choosing fish related to its freshness. The research was conducted by classifying 24 classes of fish freshness based on fish eye by testing the performance of the MobileNetV3 architecture with Squeeze-and-excitation. The results obtained for the model with the best performance were obtained at hyperparameter learning rate 0.00001, batch size train 10 val 10, ADAM optimizer, epochs 100 with the MobileNetV3-Small architectural model. Based on the results of the model performance evaluation, it obtained 68% accuracy, 69% precision, 67% recall and 68% f1-score on 876 test data with 24 classes consisting of different levels of freshness and types of fish.

Keywords: MobileNetV3, Hyperparameter, Fish Eye, Classification

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