Evaluasi dan Optimalisasi Instalasi Pengolahan Lindi di TPK Sarimukti

Putri Safria, Arief Perdana



Instalasi Pengolahan Lindi TPK Sarimutki terdiri dari Kolam Stabilisasi - Bak Pengumpul - Kolam Anaerobic Buffle Reactor (ABR) - Kolam Aerobik, Kolam Sedimentasi dan Land Treatment. Skema bangunan pengolah tersebut belum menunjukkan hasil yang optimal, dilihat dari kualitas lindi dan kuantitas yang sangat fluktuatif. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara mengevaluasi kondisi eksisting kemudian membandingkan dengan peraturan dan standar baku mutu yang ada. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan seluruh unit pengolahan memiliki permasalahannya masing-masing baik dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitas sehingga mempengaruhi kinerja IPL secara keseluruhan, oleh karena itu IPL TPK Sarimukti perlu melakukan optimalisasi/redesain pada setiap unit pengolahannya. Rencana optimalisasi IPL TPK Sarimukti secara berurutan terdiri atas Kolam Stabilisasi – Bak Kontrol 1 – Reaktor AOP – Bak Kontrol 2 – Kolam ABR – Kolam Aerobik 1 – Kolam Aerobik 2 – Kolam Sedimentasi – Reaktor Filtrasi – Bak Effluen – Badan air yang berupa sungai.

Kata kunci: Lindi, IPL, Evaluasi, Optimalisasi


The Sarimutki Leachate Treatment Plant consists of a Stabilization Pond - Collecting Tub - Anaerobic Buffle Reactor (ABR) Pond - Aerobic Pond, Sedimentation Pond and Land Treatment. The processing building scheme has not shown optimal results, seen from the quality and quantity of leachate and which  very fluktuatif. The research was conducted by evaluating the existing conditions and then comparing them with the existing regulations and quality standards. The results of the evaluation show that all processing units have their respective problems in terms of both quality and quantity which affect the overall performance of the IPL, therefore the IPL TPK Sarimukti needs to optimize / redesign each processing unit. The IPL optimization plan of the Sarimukti TPK sequentially consists of a stabilization pond - control basin 1 - AOP reactor - control basin 2 - ABR pool - Aerobic pool 1 - Aerobic pond 2 - Sedimentation pond - Filtration reactor - Effluent basin - Water bodies in the form of rivers.

Keywords: Leachate, Lachate Treatmet Plant, Evaluation, Optimization

Kata Kunci

Lindi; IPL; Evaluasi; Optimalisasi

Teks Lengkap:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26760/rekalingkungan.v10i1.11-22


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