Proses Seeding dan Aklimatisasi pada Anaerobic Trickling Reactor
Pertumbuhan biomassa terlekat ditentukan oleh proses seeding dan aklimatisasi. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui proses seeding dan aklimatisasi pada anaerobic trickling reactor. Metoda penelitian yang digunakan meliputi persiapan reaktor hidrolisis dan 3 buah anaerobic trickling reactor dengan media yang berbeda, serta persiapan bahan meliputi inokulum dan substrat. Parameter yang diukur yaitu densitas, kadar air dan volatil, C-Organik, NTK, pH, temperatur, TAV, COD, dan alkalinitas mengacu pada SNI dan standard methods. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu saat proses seeding, nilai pH 6,87 hingga pH 7,52, temperatur 27oC hingga 28oC, dan ketiga media mengalami pertambahan berat rata-rata sebesar 0,5421 gram/media (bioball rambutan) (12,93 %), 0,7158 gram/media (bioball bola) (11,47 %), dan 0,0449 gram/media (media straws) (13,95 %). Steady state aklimatisasi terjadi pada hari ke-14 hingga hari ke-20 yang ditandai dengan penurunan konsentrasi COD yang konstan. Selama seeding dan aklimatisasi terbentuk biogas. Kesimpulan penelitian ini yaitu proses seeding dan aklimatisasi ditandai dengan terbentuknya lapisan biofilm dan adanya penurunan konsentrasi COD substrat.
Kata kunci: Anaerob, Seeding dan Aklimatisasi, Anaerobic Trickling Reactor
Attached biomass growth is determined by seeding and acclimatization process. The purpose of this research is to know the seeding and acclimation process in anaerobic trickling reactor. The research method used includes the preparation of the tool that is hydrolysis reactor and 3 pieces of anaerobic trickling reactor with different media, as well as the preparation of materials including inoculum and substrate. Parameters measured were density, water content and volatile, C-Organic, NTK, pH, temperature, TAV, COD, and alkalinity refer to SNI and standard methods. The result of this research is when seeding process, pH value 6,87 to pH 7,52, temperature 27oC until 28oC, and third media have average weight gain of 0,5421 gram/medium (rambutan bioball) (12,93 %), 0,7158 grams/medium (spherical bioball) (11,47 %), and 0,0449 gram/medium (media straws) (13,95 %). Steady state acclimatization occurs on the 14th day until the 20th day marked by a constant decrease in COD concentrations. During seeding and acclimatization formed biogas.The conclusion of this research is the seeding and acclimatization process is characterized by the formation of biofilm layer and the decrease of COD concentration.
Keywords: Anaerobes, Seeding and Acclimatization, Anaerobic Trickling Reactor
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