Optimasi Kendali Ketinggian Air dengan Kontroler Fuzzy PID dalam Menghadapi Variabel Gangguan




Kendali ketinggian air merupakan suatu sistem yang sering ditemukan di sebagian besar fasilitas industri. Kendali ketinggian air seringkali dihadapkan pada gangguan yang disebabkan perubahan aliran masuk serta perubahan laju pengeluaran air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kendali ketinggian air dalam sistem dengan kendali Fuzzy PID dalam menghadapi variasi gangguan berupa perubahan laju pengeluaran air, serta mengimplementasikan pada kontroler PLC. Penelitian ini melibatkan pengujian kendali Fuzzy PID dan kendali PID dengan metode tuning Ziegler-Nichols 1. Variasi gangguan berupa keluaran pompa DC yang bisa diatur kecepatannya dari Output DA PLC resolusi 0-6000 yang dikonversi menjadi 0-100%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Fuzzy PID dapat diimplementasikan pada PLC dengan hasil yang minim overshoot, settling time yang lebih pendek rata-rata 17.23 detik sedangkan PID rata-rata 78,4 detik dan terdapat overshoot. Namun, Fuzzy PID cenderung memiliki rise time lebih lambat 1-2 detik daripada kendali PID.

Kata kunci: PLC, Fuzzy PID, PID, Water Level, Ziegler-Nichols



Water level control is a system that is often found in most industrial facilities. Water level control is often faced with disturbances caused by changes in the inflow and changes in the rate of discharge of water. This study aims to improve the control of the water level in a system with Fuzzy PID control in dealing with variations in disturbances in the form of changes in the rate of water discharge, and to implement it on the PLC controller. This study involves testing Fuzzy PID control and PID control using the Ziegler-Nichols 1 tuning method. The disturbance variation is in the form of a speed-adjustable DC pump output from the PLC DA Output with a resolution of 0-6000 which is converted to 0-100%. The results showed that Fuzzy PID can be implemented on PLCs with minimal overshoot results, shorter settling time with an average of 17.23 seconds while the average PID is 78.4 seconds and there is overshoot. However, Fuzzy PID tends to have a slower rise time of 1-2 seconds than PID control.

Keywords: PLC, Fuzzy PID, PID, Water Level, Ziegler-Nichols


PLC; Fuzzy PID; PID; Water Level; Ziegler-Nichols


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26760/elkomika.v11i4.998


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