Perencanaan Implementasi Low Band 700 Mhz Pasca ASO untuk Seluler 5G di Indonesia




Band 700 MHz merupakan golden frequency pasca ASO yang potensial untuk implementasi 5G pada Low Band dengan kelebihan jangkauan luas dan penetrasi gedung lebih baik. Penelitian ini membandingkan penggunaan lebar pita 15 MHz dan 20 MHz untuk melihat kebutuhan jumlah BTS suatu operator seluler dan biaya investasi selama sepuluh tahun perencanaan. Sampai dengan tiga tahun pertama perencanaan, jumlah BTS 5G dihitung berdasarkan pendekatan coverage dimensioning, setelahnya menggunakan perhitungan capacity dimensioning akibat peningkatan kapasitas trafik data. Untuk penambahan lebar pita dari 15 MHz menjadi 20 Mhz berdampak pada penghematan jumlah BTS, sampai dengan tahun 2032 untuk lebar pita 15 MHz diperlukan 26.033 BTS dan 19.427 BTS untuk lebar pita 20 MHz. Penghematan jumlah BTS menekan biaya implementasi selama 10 tahun sebesar sebesar 8.280 milyar rupiah dalam Present Value, besarnya cost reduction keseluruhan atas penambahan lebar pita ini sebesar 1.457 milyar rupiah per tahun dan Cost Reduction per MHz sebesar 146 milyar rupiah.

Kata kunci: golden frequency, ASO, 5G, low band, cost reduction.



The 700 MHz band is the post-ASO golden frequency which has the potential to implement 5G in the Low Band with the advantages of wide coverage and better building penetration. This study compares the use of 15 MHz and 20 MHz bandwidth to see the number of base stations needed by a cellular operator and the investment costs for 10 years of planning. Up to the first 3 years of planning, the number of 5G BTS was calculated based on the coverage dimensioning approach, after which it used capacity dimensioning calculations due to an increase in data traffic capacity. The addition of bandwidth from 15 MHz to 20 Mhz has an impact on saving the number of BTS, until 2032 for a bandwidth of 15 MHz, 26,033 BTS are needed and 19,427 BTS for a bandwidth of 20 MHz.Savings in the number  of BTS reduce implementation costs for 10 years by 8,280 billion rupiah in Present Value, the overall cost reduction for this additional bandwidth is 1,457 billion rupiah per year and Cost Reduction per MHz is 146 billion rupiah.

Keywords: golden frequency, ASO, 5G, low band, cost reduction.


golden frequency; ASO; 5G; low band; cost reduction


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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

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