Sistem Monitoring Pendeteksi Kebocoran LPG berbasis Mikrokontroller ATmega16 menggunakan RF APC220
Penggunaan LPG sebagai bahan bakar alternatif pengganti bahan bakar minyak dirasakan lebih efektif dan praktis. Namun kandungan senyawa di dalamnya memiliki efek yang negatif jika menguap di udara bebas. Sistem detektor gas LPG dapat menjadi salah satu solusi untuk mengetahui lebih dini terjadinya kebocoran gas. Implementasi sistem detektor gas LPG pada penelitian ini berupa sistem monitoring nirkabel yang dilengkapi alarm sebagai indikasi jika terjadi kebocoran gas. Sistem terdiri dari bagian Remote Controller dan Master Controller. Remote Controller menggunakan mikrokontroler ATMega16 yang terintegrasi dengan sensor MQ5, LCD dan transceiver RF APC220. Sedangkan Master Controller berupa komputer (PC) yang dapat menampilkan kondisi ruangan yang dideteksi oleh bagian Remote Controller. Sistem berhasil mendeteksi gas LPG dan menampilkan kadar konsentrasinya dalam rentang 200 sampai dengan 1000 ppm. Ketika kadar konsentrasi gas mencapai 5000 ppm, alarm aktif secara otomatis dan memberikan status waspada. Pengiriman data secara nirkabel dengan adanya sejumlah penghalang berhasil dilakukan sampai jarak 200 m.
Kata kunci: Sistem Monitoring, Remote Controller, Master Controller, LPG, RF APC220
ABSTRACTThe use of LPG as a fuel alternative to fossil fuels may be more effective and practical. Neverfluless its compound has a negative effect if it evaporates to the air. LPG gas detector system may be one solution to determine the early occurrence of gas leak. The detector system implementation in this study was a wireless monitoring system that had alarm to indicate if there was the gas leak. The system consisted of the Remote Controller and the Master Controller. Remote Controller used ATmega16 microcontroller integrated with MQ5 sensor, LCD and RF transceiver APC220. While the Master Controller in the form of a computer (PC) that could display a room condition was detected by the Remote Controller section. LPG gas system successfully detected and displayed the levels of concentration in 200 up to 1000 range ppm. When the concentration of gas reached 5000 ppm, the alarm activated automatically and provided alert status. The wirelless sending data with a number of barriers was carried out successfully up to a distance of 200 m.
Keywords: Monitoring System, Remote Controller, Master Controller, LPG, RF APC220
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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638
Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia
Address: 20th Building Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung PHH. Mustofa Street No. 23 Bandung 40124, Indonesia
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