Perancangan dan Realisasi Kontrol Prototype Landing Gear System Menggunakan PLCmikro berbasis Mikrokontroller PIC16F877A




Landing gear system merupakan suatu sistem penggerak pada roda pesawat yang menggunakan electromechanic system dengan sejumlah relay tanpa control terpusat. Melalui penelitian ini, electromechanic system tersebut diubah menjadi landing gear system yang dikendalikan secara terpusat menggunakan mikrokontroller dan diprogram oleh ldmikro berbahasa ladder diagram yang kemudian lebih dikenal dengan nama “PLCmikroâ€. Input discreate digunakan untuk menggerakkan aktuator solenoid valve agar piston double acting cylinder dapat bekerja sesuai sistem yang diinginkan. Input analog digunakan sebagai informasi ketinggian pesawat minimum agar pesawat tetap aman terbang di udara. Control Landing gear system yang direalisasikan berhasil menggerakkan piston masuk maupun keluar dari tabung, memberikan informasi proses pergerakkan piston yang bermasalah dan posisi roda yang telah masuk atau keluar dari pesawat berupa lampu LED. Sistem ini juga berhasil membaca informasi ketinggian minimum pesawat dari potensiometer serta mengubahnya menjadi informasi suara dan lampu LED.

Kata kunci: Landing gear system, PLCmikro, Ldmikro, ladder diagram, double acting cylinder.


The landing gear system an aircraft wheel drive system that uses electromechanic system with a relay without any centralized control. Through this study, the electromechanic system was changed to landing gear system with a centrally controlled by using microcontroller and programmed with ldmikro ladder diagram language which came to be known by the name of "PLCmikro". Discreate input used to drive the actuator solenoid valve double acting cylinder so that the piston can work as desired system. The analog input is used as the minimum flight altitude information to keep the plane safe to fly in the air. Landing gear control system is realized successfully drive the piston in and out of the tube, providing information processes are problematic piston movement and wheel position that has entered or exited the plane in the form of LED lights. The system also successfully read the minimum altitude aircraft information of the potentiometer and turn it into information sounds and LED lights. 

Keywords: Landing gear system, PLCmikro, Ldmikro, ladder diagram, double acting cylinder.


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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

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