Pemodelan Active Front End Converter (AFE) Tiga-Fasa Tiga-Kaki menggunakan Kendali Model Predictive Control (MPC)
Penelitian ini membahas Active Front End Converter (AFE) tiga-fasa tiga-kaki menggunakan kendali Model Predictive Control (MPC) pada pensakelaran converter yang dapat mengurangi nilai harmonisa dan memperbaiki faktor daya pada jaringan. Kendali MPC digunakan untuk melakukan prediksi tegangan dan arus AFE dengan cara memasukkan vektor tegangan yang dihasilkan oleh sakelar konverter ke dalam model state-space diskrit dan dievaluasi menggunakan cost function. Simulasi model dilakukan pada beberapa kondisi, yaitu simulasi beban resistif, beban induktif, beban kapasitif, beban nonlinear, dan variable frequency drive (VFD) dengan motor induksi. Simulasi beban resistif, THDv dan THDi secara berurutan nilai rata-ratanya sebesar 0.02% dan 0.45%, beban induktif, 0.01% dan 1.92%, beban kapasitif, 0.01% dan 1.92%, beban nonlinear, 0.03% dan 1.23%, dan beban VFD dengan motor induksi sebesar 0.04% dan 1.18%. Faktor daya pada simulasi beban bervariasi menghasilkan unity. Dari hasil simulasi didapatkan kesimpulan kendali MPC pada AFE mampu meningkatkan kualitas daya listrik.
Kata kunci: Harmonisa, Faktor Daya, AFE, MPC, Model Vektor Ruang
This study discusses a three-phase three-leg Active Front End Converter (AFE) using Model Predictive Control (MPC) which controls converter switching to reduce harmonic values and improve the power factor on the network. MPC is used to predict the AFE voltage and current by entering the voltage vector generated by the converter switch into a discrete state-space model and evaluated using a cost function. The simulations of the model have been done under several conditions, resistive loads, inductive loads, capacitive loads, nonlinear loads, and variable frequency drive (VFD) with an induction motor. Resistive load simulations, THDv and THDi respectively, the average values are 0.02% and 0.45%, inductive load, 0.01% and 1.92%, capacitive load, 0.01% and 1.92%, nonlinear load, 0.03% and 1.23%, and load VFD with induction motor is 0.04% and 1.18%. The power factor in the varying load simulation results is unity. From the simulation results, it can be concluded that MPC control on AFE can improve electrical power quality.
Keywords: Harmonics, Power Factor, AFE, MPC, Space Vector Model
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Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia
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