Antena Mikrostrip Double E-Shaped dengan Frekuensi 3,3 GHz untuk Aplikasi WiMax
Antena mikrostrip double E-shaped untuk aplikasi WiMax melalui proses simulasi dan fabrikasi telah berhasil dirancang. Perancangan desain antena mikrostrip ini menggunakan bahan substrat FR-4 lossy dengan ketebalan 1,6 mm dan konstanta dielektrik 4,6. Dimensi substrat yang dirancang yaitu 45 mm x 52 mm x 1,6 mm. Hasil simulasi yang diperoleh yaitu antena mikrostrip bekerja di frekuensi 3,3 GHz, return loss -21 dB, VSWR 1,23, bandwidth 342 MHz, dan gain sebesar 3,5 dBi. Hasil pengukuran diperoleh antena mikrostrip bekerja di frekuensi 3,35 GHz, return Loss -22 dB, VSWR 1,26, bandwidth 265 MHz, dan gain sebesar 3,2 dBi. Baik hasil simulasi dan pengukuran pola radiasi yang dihasilkan membentuk pola bidirectional. Antena mikrostrip ini dapat diaplikasikan pada frekuensi Wimax.
Kata kunci: Antena Mikrostrip, Double E-shaped, Frekuensi 3,3 GHz, WiMax, Return Loss
The double E-shaped microstrip antenna for WiMax application through simulation and fabrication process has been successfully designed. The design of this microstrip antenna using a lossy FR-4 substrate material with a thickness of 1.6 mm and a dielectric constant of 4.6. The dimensions of the designed substrate are 45 mm x 52 mm x 1.6 mm. The simulation results obtained that microstrip antenna works at a frequency of 3.3 GHz, return loss -21 dB, VSWR 1.23, bandwidth 342 MHz, and gain of 3.5 dBi. The measurement results obtained that the microstrip antenna works at a frequency of 3.35 GHz, return loss of -22 dB, VSWR of 1.26, bandwidth of 265 MHz, and gain of 3.2 dBi. Both the simulation results and the resulting radiation pattern measurements form a
bidirectional pattern. This microstrip antenna can be applied at WiMax frequency.
Keywords: Microstrip Antenna, Double E-shaped, Frequency 3.3 GHz, WiMax, Return Loss
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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638
Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia
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