Rule-Based Learning untuk Robot Humanoid T-FLoW Belajar Berjalan




Riset tentang penggunaan learning dalam motion robot humanoid telah banyak dilakukan di seluruh dunia. Salah satunya adalah melakukan learning gerakan berjalan pada robot. Penelitian ini akan menjelaskan suatu metode learning “Rule Based†yang simple dan cepat dalam menemukan solusi gerakan berjalan yang stabil pada robot humanoid T-FLoW . Robot diibaratkan seperti anak kecil yang belajar berjalan, dia tahu cara berjalan, akan tetapi tidak tahu seberapa besar dia harus menggerakkan sendi-sendi atau joint di kakinya agar dapat berjalan seimbang. Oleh karena itu sistem learning akan menemukan nilai point-point trayektori yang cocok untuk berjalan dengan stabil. Dengan menggunakan software simulasi CoppeliaSim, kami menerapkan metode tersebut. Hasilnya, robot humanoid T-FLoW dapat berjalan dengan stabil sejauh 170 langkah hanya dengan melakukan learning sebanyak 400 episode.

Kata kunci: Robot humanoid T-FLoW, Rule-Based Learning, Learning, CoppeliaSim, Trayektori.



Research about the use of learning in motion of humanoid robot has been done in many countries. One of them was done by learning a stable walking gait in humanoid robot. This research will explain a fast and simple Rule Based learning method to find the solution of stable walking motion for T-FLoW humanoid robot. A robot was assumed like a child trying to walk, he knows how to walk, but doesn’t know how much he has to move his legged joints to get a stable walking. So, our learning system will find those trajectory point values that is suitable to walk stably. By using CoppeliaSim software, we implement our method. The result is, T-FLoW humanoid robot was able to walk stably for about 170 steps with only 400 episodes of learning.

Keywords: T-FLoW humanoid robot, Rule-Based Learning, Learning, CoppeliaSim, Trajectory.


Humanoid Robot T-FLoW; Rule-Based Learning; Trayektori Learning; CoppeliaSim


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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

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