Penerapan DevOps pada Sistem Tertanam dengan ESP8266 menggunakan Mekanisme Over The Air




DevOps mendorong percepatan pengembangan sistem. Namun bukti nyata penerapannya pada sistem tertanam belum mencukupi. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah kesulitan proses deployment pada perangkat. Konsep IoT menghubungkan sistem tertanam dengan jaringan yang memungkinkan proses pembaharuan firmware menggunakan mekanisme Over The Air (OTA). Tulisan ini mengusulkan infrastruktur DevOps untuk pengembangan sistem tertanam. Perangkat keras yang digunakan adalah microcontroller ESP8266. Sedangkan lingkungan DevOps menggunakan perangkat lunak PlatformIO, GitHub dan Travis CI. Pengujian dilakukan dengan mengubah user requirement yang kemudian diterapkan pada perangkat keras. Tahapan DevOps (build and test, release hingga deploy) telah berhasil dilakukan secara otomatis. Sistem mampu mendeteksi kesalahan penulisan kode sumber. Rerata waktu keseluruhan proses adalah 77,21 detik. Proses build and test mendominasi waktu proses dengan rerata sebesar 77,21 detik dan waktu deploy memiliki rerata 1,41 detik.

Kata kunci: IoT, Sistem Tertanam, OTA, DevOps, ESP8266



DevOps drives the acceleration of system development. However, the concrete evidence of its application in embedded systems is not sufficient. One of the causes is difficulty in the deployment process on the device. Firmware update using an Over-The-Air (OTA) mechanism is allowed by the IoT concept that connects embedded systems into a network. This paper is proposing a DevOps infrastructure for embedded system development. Proposed infrastructure using ESP8266 for the hardware and PlatformIO, GitHub, and Travis CI for the DevOps environment. Testing the proposed system is done by changing the user requirements that are applied to the hardware. The DevOps stages from building and test, release, and deployment have automatically been done. The system is also able to detect developer errors in writing source code. The average time of the whole process on trial was 77.21 seconds. The build and test process dominates the processing time with an average of 77.21 seconds and the deployment time is relatively short with an average of 1.41 seconds.

Keywords: IoT, Embedded System, OTA, DevOps, ESP8266


IoT; Sistem Tertanam; OTA; DevOps; ESP8266


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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

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