Kendali Kecepatan Motor DC dengan Buck Converter menggunakan Full State Feedback-Pole Placement




Makalah ini menyajikan penjelasan tentang penerepan full state feedback menggunakan metode pole placement pada sistem buck converter dengan Motor DC. Penambahan komponen buck converter diharapkan dapat membantu menaikkan nilai efisiensi sistem dan memperpanjang umur komponen switch yang digunakan. Namun terkadang sistem ini masih memerlukan kendali untuk dapat memaksimalkan perfoma sistem baik dari segi rising time, settling time maupun error steady state dari sistem. Simulasi kendali full state feedback menggunakan pole placement disimulasikan dengan pemodelan buck converter dan motor DC menggunakan Simscape dan Simulink pada Matlab. Dari hasil simulasi diperoleh bahwa kendali pole placement mampu menghasilkan kondisi rising time 1.4508s, settling time 2.5729s sedangkan kendali LQR lebih lambat 0.9524s untuk rising time dan 4.3603s untuk settling time saat diuji dengan sinyal step. Selain itu, penambahan pre compensator (Nbar) telah membuat sistem mampu mencapai nilai referensi yang diharapkan (error steady state menuju nol).

Kata kunci: Motor DC, Buck Converter, Pole Placement.



This paper presents an explanation of the advanced full state feedback using the pole placement method in a buck converter system with a DC motor. The addition of buck converter components is expected to help increase the value of system efficiency and extend the life of the switch components used. However, sometimes this system still requires control to be able to maximize system performance in terms of both the rising time, the settling time and the steady state error of the system. Full state feedback control simulation using pole placement is simulated by modeling the buck converter and DC motor using Simscape and Simulink in Matlab. The simulation results show that the pole placement control is capable of producing a rising time of 1.4508s, settling time of 2.5729s, while LQR control is 0.9524s slower for rising time and 4.3603s for settling time when tested with step signals. In addition, the addition of a pre compensator (Nbar) has made the system able to reach the expected reference value (steady state error goes to zero).

Keywords: DC Motor, Buck Converter, Pole Placement.


Motor DC; Buck Converter; Pole Placement


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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

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