Energy Saving Building Strategies through The Application of Solar Control Glass




Sesuai dengan konsep Green Building, desain bangunan harus memperhatikan penghematan energi operasional bangunan. Semakin besar beban termal, maka semakin boros konsumsi energi listrik. Salah satu cara untuk menurunkan energi listrik adalah dengan mengurangi beban termal eksternal, sehingga pemilihan jenis solar control glass merupakan aspek yang sangat penting. Metoda analisis dilakukan secara kuantitatif. Sebagai kasus studi yaitu Gedung Kantor Pengelola Bendungan Sei Gong di Batam, dan berdasarkan perhitungan Calculator OTTV akan ditentukan alternatif solar control glass yang tepat agar memenuhi syarat dengan batas maksimal OTTV di Indonesia (45 Watt per meter persegi). Manfaat penelitian ini adalah memperoleh masukan pemilihan tipe kaca yang tepat berdasarkan SHGC, pada kasus bangunan kantor.

Kata kunci: Hemat energi operasional bangunan, Overall Thermal Transfer Value, Solar Control Glass, Solar Heat Gain Coefficient



In accordance with the Green Building concept, building designs must pay attention to building operational energy savings. The greater the thermal load, the more wasteful the electricity consumption of the AC system. One way to reduce AC loads is to reduce external thermal loads, then choosing the type of solar control glass is a very important aspect. The method of analysis is done quantitatively. As a case study is Sei Gong Dam Management Office Building in Batam, and based on OTTV Calculator calculation an appropriate solar control glass alternative will be determined to meet the requirements with the maximum OTTV limit in Indonesia (45 Watt per square meter). The benefit of this research is to get input on selection of the right type of glass based on SHGC, in the case of office buildings.

Keywords: Energy saving on building operation, Overall Thermal Transfer Value, solar control glass, Solar Heat Gain Coefficient


Energy saving on building operation; Overall Thermal Transfer Value; solar control glass; Solar Heat Gain Coefficient

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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

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