Analisis Kelayakan Project Loon di Indonesia




Indonesia merupakan Negara kepulauan yang terdiri dari ribuan pulau. Kondisi geografis tersebut membuat layanan internet di Indonesia belum sepenuhnya merata. Tercatat, pengguna internet area perkotaan, antara desa dan kota, serta pedesaan berturut sebesar 72,41%, 49,5%, dan 48,3%. Berikut komposisi dari pengguna internet di Indonesia: pulau Jawa, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali-Nusa Tenggara, dan Maluku-Papua masing-masing sebesar 58,1%, 19%, 8%, 6,7%, 5,6%, dan 2,5%. Guna mengatasi masalah ini, beberapa upaya telah dilakukan untuk menyamakan akses internet di Indonesia, dan salah satu upaya yang ditawarkan adalah Project Loon. Project Loon merupakan teknologi komunikasi berdasarkan High Altitude Platform (HAPs). Penelitian terkait pengujian kelayakan Project Loon dilakukan menggunakan studi literatur Kemudian digunakan metode Alogritma Fuzzy Topsis untuk mengukur Ekuensi Pathloss, Bandwith Fuzzy, Utilitas Frekuensi, sehingga diperoleh matrik keputusan dan matrik pembobotan yang menunjukkan frekuensi terbaik yang dapat digunakan adalah frekuensi 700 MHz dengan nilai 0.58307. frekuensi ini dipilih secara otomatis berdasarkan kriteria jarak, bandwidth, dan aplikasi-aplikasi yang berjalan pada frekuensi tersebut.

Kata Kunci: Project Loon, HAPs, Algoritma Fuzzy Topsis



Indonesia is an archipelago consisting of many islands. This geographical condition makes internet services in Indonesia not yet evenly distributed. Noted, internet users in urban areas, between villages and cities, as well as rural areas amounted to 72.41%, 49.5%, and 48.3%. The following is the composition of internet users in Indonesia: Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali-Nusa Tenggara, and Maluku-Papua, respectively 58.1%, 19%, 8%, 6.7%, 5.6% and 2.5%. To overcome this problem, several attempts have been made to equalize internet access in Indonesia, and one of the efforts offered is Project Loon. Project Loon is a communication technology based on High Altitude Platform (HAPs). Research related to Project Loon eligibility testing was conducted using literature studies. Then we use the Alogritma Fuzzy Topsis method to measure Pathloss Equity, Fuzzy Bandwidth, Frequency Utility, the required matrix and the weighting matrix used are 700 MHz frequencies with a value of 0.58307. Based on frequency, bandwidth, and applications running on that frequency.

Keywords: Project Loon, HAPs, Algoritma Fuzzy Topsis


Project Loon, HAPs, RIA, Regulasi Frekuensi


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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

Address: 20th Building  Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung PHH. Mustofa Street No. 23 Bandung 40124, Indonesia

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