Monitoring Keseimbangan Distribusi Beban Transformator untuk Meminimalisasi Terjadinya Rugi Energi
Pola distribusi beban antara ketiga fasa pada saluran distribusi sekunder transformator kurang diperhatikan, berakibat ketidakseimbangan antara ke tiga fasa pada sistem distribusi sekunder transformator dan menyebabkan rugi energi yang terjadi pada jaringan distribusi sekunder akan semakin meningkat. Peneliti merancang sistem monitoring keseimbangan beban pada saluran distribusi sekunder transformator dengan metode eksperimen dan pembuatan prototipe. Penyimpangan rata-rata pembacaan sensor arus 6.7% dan pembacaan sensor tegangan 5.84% dan rugi energi terbesar didapatkan pada saat persen pembebanan di fasa R=88,13%, fasa S=42,80% dan di fasa T=20,14%, yaitu 24,1 Wh pada penghantar netral dan 109,64 Wh pada penghantar pembumian.
Kata kunci: voltage sensing, current sensing, beban tidak seimbang, arus netral, rugi energi
The pattern of load distribution between the three phases in the transformer secondary distribution channel is not noticed. This situation results in an imbalance between the three phases of the transformer secondary distribution and causes energy losses that occur in the secondary distribution network will increase. The researcher designed a load balance monitoring system in the transformer secondary distribution channel with the experimental method and prototype manufacturing. The average error of the current sensing at 6.7%, for the voltage sensing interface is 5.84% and the biggest energy loss is obtained at % loading on phase R= 88,13%, phase S = 42,80% and phase T = 20.14%, system reading 24,1 Wh on neutral conductor and 109,64 Wh on earthing conductor.
Keywords: voltage sensing, current sensing, unbalanced load, neutral current, energy loss
Kata Kunci
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ISSN (cetak) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (elektronik) : 2459-9638
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