Non-Contact Measurement of Infant Respiratory Rate Based on Video using Pose Estimation and Optical Flow Analysis




Pengukuran laju pernapasan bayi secara non-kontak merupakan alternatif terhadap metode pengukuran tradisional berbasis kontak yang sering menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan metode otomatis untuk mengukur laju pernapasan bayi secara non-kontak melalui rekaman video bayi. Metode yang dikembangkan mendeteksi ROI (Region of Interest) secara otomatis pada area torso bayi dan menghitung laju pernapasan menggunakan optical flow dari ROI tersebut. Pengujian dilakukan pada dataset video AIR-125 dengan berbagai kondisi pencahayaan, pose bayi, dan frame rate. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan ini mampu mendeteksi ROI pada bagian torso dan menghasilkan estimasi laju pernapasan dengan Mean Absolute Error 3,82 BPM dan Root Mean Square Error 5,01 BPM . Sistem ini berhasil menawarkan solusi non-kontak untuk pemantauan laju pernapasan bayi yang fleksibel dan dapat diadaptasi di lingkungan rumah maupun rumah sakit.

Kata kunci: laju pernapasan bayi, estimasi pose, non-kontak, optical flow, pemantauan tanda vital.



Non-contact respiratory rate measurement in infants presents an innovative alternative to traditional contact-based methods, which often lead to discomfort. This study aims to develop an automated approach for measuring infant respiratory rate via a non-contact method using video recordings. The method automatically detects the Region of Interest (ROI) in the infant's torso and estimates the respiratory rate using optical flow. A pose estimation model is employed to detect the ROI automatically. The method was developed and tested on the AIR-125 video dataset, which includes various lighting conditions, infant poses, and frame rates. Results demonstrate that the proposed method effectively detects the torso and provides reliable respiratory rate estimations with a mean absolute error of 3.82 BPM and Root Mean Square Error 5,01 BPM. This system offers a flexible, non-contact solution for monitoring infant respiratory rate suitable for both home and clinical settings.

Keywords: infant respiratory rate, pose estimation, non-contact, optical flow, vital sign monitoring


infant respiratory rate; pose estimation; non-contact; optical flow; vital sign monitoring

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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


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