Influences of Environmental Factors of a Hybrid Photovoltaic and Thermoelectric Generation System




Saat ini, pemanfaatan sumber energi terbarukan menjadi salah satu pilihan dalam menjawab tantangan krisis energi. Sistem pembangkit listrik fotovoltaiktermoelektrik hibrida yang menggabungkan keunggulan konversi energi cahaya dan panas dari matahari perlu dikaji kinerjanya. Penelitian ini membahas peningkatan efisiensi pembangkit listrik tenaga surya hybrid panel-termoelektrik dan hubungannya dengan pengaruh faktor lingkungan. Akuisisi data berdasarkan analisis komputasi menganalisis statistik multivariat, seperti regresi, korelasi, boxplot, dan principal component analysis (PCA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan daya masukan MPPT lebih tinggi dibandingkan daya keluaran, dengan efisiensi tipikal sebesar 99,66%. Peningkatan suhu udara membuat tegangan sedikit menurun, dan daya yang dihasilkan meningkat cukup besar seiring dengan naiknya suhu udara. Peda penelitian terlihat bahwa radiasi ultraviolet (UV) meningkat secara signifikan seiring dengan peningkatan suhu lingkungan.

Kata kunci: efisiensi, faktor lingkungan, fotovoltaik, analisis statistik, termoelektrik



Recently, using renewable energy sources is one option in answering the challenge of the energy crisis. The hybrid photovoltaic-thermoelectric power generation system is a solution that combines the advantages of converting both light and heat energy from the sun, which needs to be studied. This study discussed the increase in efficiency in a hybrid solar panel-thermoelectric power generation and its relationship to the influence of environmental factors. The data acquisition is based on the computational analyses of multivariate statistics, such as regressions, correlations, boxplots and principal component analysis. It showed the input power of the MPPT was higher than the output power, with a typical efficiency of 99.66%. The rising air temperature decreased the voltages and generated power considerably, increasing as the air temperature rose. Finally, the ultraviolet (UV) radiation increased significantly as the ambient temperature rose.

Keywords: efficiency, environmental factor, photovoltaic, statistical analysis, thermoelectric


efficiency; environmental factor; photovoltaic; statistical analysis; thermoelectric

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