Studi Pengaruh Biomassa Bahan Bakar Jumputan Padat (BBJP) pada Proses Co-firing di PLTU
Untuk mereduksi emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK), Pemerintah Indonesia mengajukan kebijakan untuk mengaplikasikan teknologi berbasis Energi Terbarukan (EBT) di PT PLN (Persero) dengan menerapkan co-firing di PLTU batubara. Untuk mengevaluasi karakteristik co-firing biomassa BBJP dilakukan pengujian dengan metode direct co-firing dan uji laboratorium untuk mendapatkan komposisi biomassa BBJP melalui Analisis Proksimat dan Analisis Ultimate. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa Gross Caloric Value (as received) dan Hardgrove Grindability Index (as received) biomassa BBJP 2646 Kcal/kg dan 20. Hasil uji arus pulverizer, pulverizer outlet temperature, AFR pulverizer mengalami peningkatan seiring kenaikan persentase biomassa BBJP dan sebaliknya untuk coal flow mengalami penurunan. Hasil uji Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) co-firing biomassa BBJP 5% sebesar 0,58 dan NPHR 2.687 kcal/kWh.
Kata kunci: co-firing, SFC, biomassa, pulverizer, Hardgrove Grindability Index
To reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the Government of Indonesia has proposed a policy to apply Renewable Energy-based technology (EBT) at PT PLN (Persero) by implementing co-firing in coal-fired power plants. To evaluate the co-firing characteristics of BBJP biomass, tests were conducted using the direct co-firing method and laboratory tests to obtain the composition of BBJP biomass through Proximate Analysis and Ultimate Analysis. The test results showed that the Gross Caloric Value (as received) and Hardgrove Grindability Index (as received) of BBJP biomass were 2,646 Kcal/kg and 20. The test results of pulverizer flow, pulverizer outlet temperature, AFR pulverizer increased as the percentage of BBJP biomass increased and vice versa for coal flow decreased. Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) test results of co-firing 5% BBJP biomass amounted to 0.58 and NPHR of 2,687 kcal/kWh.
Keywords: co-firing, SFC, biomass, pulverizer, Hardgrove Grindability Index
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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638
Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia
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