Mitigasi Blackout Akibat Overload melalui Implementasi Prioritas Beban dalam Skema Overload Shedding
Gangguan kontingensi sistem tenaga listrik dapat menyebabkan overload yang berpotensi memicu blackout masal jika tidak ditangani dengan tepat. Penelitian ini mengusulkan desain skema overload shedding untuk Subsistem Pedan 3,4 yang mempertimbangkan prioritas beban. Simulasi dilakukan pada tiga skenario gangguan kontingensi N-1 dan N-1-1 meliputi trip pada Interbus Transformer (IBT), PLTU Pacitan 1, serta kombinasi keduanya. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa pada kasus gangguan IBT dan kombinasi IBT-PLTU, skema overload shedding yang diusulkan berhasil mencegah blackout dengan melakukan pelepasan beban bertahap sesuai prioritas. Namun, pada kasus trip PLTU saja, tidak diperlukan pelepasan beban karena pembebanan IBT masih aman. Dengan demikian skema overload shedding ini terbukti efektif dalam menjaga keandalan sistem tenaga listrik saat menghadapi gangguan kontingensi, mencegah blackout masal dan meminimalkan dampak pada area non-kritis.
Kata kunci: load shedding, overload, kontingensi, prioritas beban, DIgSILENT
Power system contingency disturbances can cause overloads that have the potential to trigger mass blackouts if not handled appropriately. This study proposes an overload shedding scheme design for Pedan 3,4 Subsystem that considers load prioritization. Simulations were conducted on three N-1 and N-1-1 contingency fault scenarios including trips to the Interbus Transformer (IBT), Pacitan 1 PLTU, and a combination of both. The simulation results show that in the case of IBT fault and IBT-PLTU combination, the proposed overload shedding scheme successfully prevents blackout by performing gradual load shedding according to priority. However, in the case of PLTU trip only, no load shedding is required because the IBT loading is still safe. Thus this overload shedding scheme is proven effective in maintaining power system reliability when facing contingency disturbances, preventing mass blackouts and minimizing the impact on non-critical areas.
Keywords: load shedding, overload, contingency, load priority, DIgSILENT
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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638
Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia
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