Perancangan Prototipe Transmitter Beacon Black Box Locator Acoustic 37.5 kHz Pingers




Pingers transmitter berfungsi untuk memancarkan sinyal atau getaran pulsa akustik pada black box. Frekuensi sinyal yang dipancarkan sebesar 37,5 kHz yang dimodulasikan oleh pulsa dengan durasi 10 ms setiap interval 1 second. Modulasi yang digunakan adalah modulasi on off keying. Dalam penelitian ini dibuat perancangan pingers transmitter yang tersusun atas rangkaian osilator, timer, inverter, switch dan rangkaian amplifier. Frekuensi 37,5 kHz tersebut dibangkitkan oleh rangkaian osilator colpitts, sedangkan lebar pulsa dengan durasi 10 ms dan pengulangan pulsa setiap interval 1 second dibangkitkan oleh rangkaian timer. Berdasarkan perancangan yang telah dibuat, output sinyal yang dihasilkan oleh prototipe pingers transmitter tersebut sebesar 37,69 kHz dengan lebar pulsa 9,8 ms setiap interval 1 second.

Kata kunci: Black box, pingers transmitter, on off keying.



Pingers transmitter is used to emits a signal or pulse of acoustic vibrations  in black box. The frequency of the transmitted signal is 37.5 kHz which is modulated by pulses with a duration of 10 ms every interval 1 second. The modulation that used this research is on off keying modulation. In this research, made the design of pingers transmitter which arrange of the oscillator circuit,timer, inverter, switch, and amplifier circuit. The 37.5 kHz frequency is generated by the colpitts oscillator circuit, while the pulse width with a duration of 10 ms,and each pulse repetition interval of 1 second generated by timer circuit. Based on the design that have made, signal output from the pingers transmitter prototype is 37.69 kHz, with the pulse width 9.8 ms every 1 second interval.

Keywords: Black box, pingers transmitter, on off keying.


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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

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