Pengaruh Jenis Forming Terhadap Struktur Kristal dan Struktur Mikro pada Baja Karbon Rendah Tipe MR
Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang pengaruh dari jenis forming material baja karbon rendah tipe MR terhadap kekerasan, kekuatan tarik, dan struktur kristal dari material tersebut, karena material tersebut umum digunakan sebagai bagian dari pembuatan kaleng untuk kemasan makanan ataupun minuman yang dalam pembuatannya memerlukan proses forming bending. Perlakuan forming kepada material mempengaruhi nilai kekerasan, kekuatan tarik, dan struktur kristal material. Material uji dibedakan menjadi 3 menurut proses forming, dari material awal tanpa proses forming, material dengan proses forming flanging, material dengan proses forming flanging dan beading. Material sampel diambil sebelum dan sesudah proses forming. Hasil sampel lalu dilakukan pengujian, yaitu pengujian kekerasan dengan hardness tester (brinell) dengan hasil rata - rata 111,66 HB, pengujian kekuatan tarik dengan alat yang sama dengan hardness tester lalu dikonversi nilainya dengan hasil rata - rata 376,66 N/mm2 dan struktur kristal dengan menggunakan X-Ray Diffraction test denga hasil rata - rata yang tidak jauh beda disetiap sudutnya dengan nilai struktur kristal 4,33 angstrong, rho sampel 0,73 garis/mm2 dan regangannya 0,136. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan kondisi material setelah di forming mengalami perubahan pada kekerasan, kekuatan tarik dan struktur kristalnya.
Kata kunci: forming, bending, hardness, kekuatan tarik, X-Ray Diffraction.
This study makes sense of the impact of the kind of forming low carbon steel material sort MR on the hardness, rigidity, and gem construction of the material, on the grounds that the material is generally utilized as a component of making jars for food or drink bundling which in its production requires a shaping twisting cycle. The shaping treatment of the material influences the hardness, rigidity, and gem construction of the material. Test materials are partitioned into 3 as indicated by the shaping system, from the underlying material without the forming system, the material with the shaping flanging process, the material with the shaping flanging and beading processes. Test materials are taken when the framing system. The example results were then tried, to be specific hardness testing with a hardness analyzer (brinell) with a typical consequence of 111.66 HB, rigidity testing with a similar device as the hardness analyzer and afterward changed over the worth with a typical aftereffect of 376.66 N/mm2 and precious stone construction utilizing X-Beam Diffraction test with normal outcomes that are not very different at each point with a gem structure worth of 4.33 angstrong, The example Rho was 0.73 lines/mm2 and the stretch was 0.136. The outcomes showed that the state of the material in the wake of forming experienced changes in hardness, elasticity and precious stone construction.
Key words: forming, bending, hardness, tensile strength, X-Ray Diffractio
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ISSN (elektronik) : 2775-8087
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