Article Writing Guidelines RekaLoka Journal Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung




11st Author’s Affiliation 1 (Institution of 1st Author)

22nd Author’s Affiliation 2 (Institution of 2nd Author)


Email (1st Author):


ABSTRAK (Bahasa)

RekaLoka didedikasikan untuk studi-studi terkait perencanaan dan pengelolaan wilayah dan kota. RekaLoka menyambut baik hasil penelitian dan studi terutama pada bidang-bidang berikut: ruang kota dan aktivitas, infrastruktur dan mobilitas, pengembangan wilayah dan peri-urban, serta aspek terkait lainnya. Untuk memudahkan proses penyuntingan, penulis disarankan untuk mengikuti petunjuk penulisan artikel ini secara keseluruhan. Format dan style yang terdapat dalam file ini sudah sesuai dengan spesifikasi yang tertulis dalam petunjuk penulisan, sehingga file ini dapat digunakan sebagai template. Jumlah halaman penulisan adalah antara 8 sampai 12 halaman, termasuk di dalamnya gambar, tabel, dan daftar rujukan. Abstrak tidak melebihi 150 kata, disusun dalam satu paragraf, dan ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris. Penulisan abstrak mengikuti standar baku yang terdiri dari pendahuluan, metodologi, hasil/pembahasan, dan kesimpulan. Artikel diserahkan kepada pengelola Jurnal Online berupa softcopy dalam format MS Word (.doc atau .docx) yang diunggah melalui setelah penulis melakukan proses registrasi.

Kata kunci: petunjuk penulisan, template dokumen, format, style


ABSTRACT (English)

RekaLoka is dedicated to the study of urban and regional planning and management. Its focus is on three areas, i.e., urban spaces and activities, infrastructure and mobility, regional and peri-urban development. RekaLoka welcomes studies and research on those areas and other related issues. To comply with the formatting used by RekaLoka, authors who wish to submit paper are strongly recommended to use this file as the template for the paper. In this file, authors will find all styles and formatting acceptable for paper submission. Paper should be between 8 to 12 pages, including figures, tables, and a list of references. The abstract should not be more than 150 words, in one paragraph, written in both Bahasa Indonesia and English. The abstract should adhere to international standards: introduction, methodology, results/discussion, and conclusions. Authors are encouraged to submit the paper in MS Word format (.doc or .docx) to as a registered author. 

Keywords: author’s guideline, document’s template, format, style



To maintain the quality of the article's appearance in the journal, the authors are required to pay close attention to all the provisions described below. Please note that the article format and the plagiarism level (using iThenticate software) will be checked first by the Managing Editor. The Editorial Board will return the submitted article if it deviates far from this writing's provisions before being examined by Reviewers; likewise, the plagiarism level exceeds the limit set by the Editorial Board. Reviewer's decision regarding the eligibility of articles published in the journal is absolute and entirely belongs to the journal. The review process by Reviewers is conducted anonymously (peer blind-review), in which both parties do not know each other. If needed, the writer can always consult with the Editorial Board regarding publishing articles in the journal (Meier, 2012).


2.1    Layout

The body of the article must be arranged in one column. This document is prepared in a format that each writer must use. To maintain the quality of a journal's appearance, the article submitted must comply with the following specifications:

  1. A4 paper size (21 cm x 29.7 cm);
  2. On the first page, the top margin (the distance between the top edge of the paper and the top of the first row of headings) is 4.0 cm. Whereas on the second page and so on, the top margin is 3.0 cm;
  3. The left, bottom, and right margins for all article pages are 2.5 cm;
  4. Header distance from the paper's edge by 1.5 cm, while for the footer 2 cm;
  5. The number of pages for article is between 8-10 pages;
  6. This writing instructions file uses the recommended standard writing rules and formats to be directly used as templates.

2.2    Instruction for Letters and Paragraphs

The font used in the paper is Tahoma for all styles. Font sizes are 18 bold points (for the title), 12-points (for the author's name, affiliation, and email address), 11-point italics (for abstracts and keywords), 11-points (for the article body, and the section and subsection titles), and 10-points (for headers and footers). Math formulas must be 11-point Equation (Insert Equation tab menu), with slightly smaller subscripts and superscripts (10-points), as shown in Equation (1).


The title is centered at the top of the first page. The author's name (without title) is placed under the title, followed by affiliation and the first author's email address, and all are centered.

The abstract's title must be centered after the author's identity, with abstract content measuring 11-point italic (italic) and written in both Bahasa and English. The abstract is written with a left and right margin of 3.5 cm (protrudes 1 cm from the page margin with justifying paragraph). The maximum number of words in each abstract is 150 words. Keywords listed after abstract, amounting to between 4 (four) to 6 (six) keywords written in italic 11-point letters, indicate the paper's subject matter for indexing purposes.

It should be noted that the procedures for writing paragraphs that are applied are straight so that the beginning of the paragraph is not placed indented. Give a space of 1 space (12-points) between paragraphs. Note also the provisions of writing a good paragraph, including the number of sentences in each paragraph, the main sentences, and other standard provisions. One paragraph contains only one main idea.

2.3    Writing the Titles

Article Title: Article titles must be capitalized at the beginning of every word, except for conjunctions. Titles of more than two lines are arranged to form an inverted pyramid. On the first page of the writing instructions, there is an example of the desired writing. The maximum number of words in the title suggested in the writing of the article is 12 words.

Section Titles: Section titles must be written entirely in capital letters in bold type without underscored, placed in the center (centered), and numbered with Latin numerals (regular).

Subsection Titles: Subsection titles must be written in bold, with a consecutive number starting with the section number, lowercase with a capital letter at the beginning of the words, and without indentation.

Sub-subsection Titles: Sub-subsections are written in bold, with a consecutive number starting with the subsection number. Sub-subsections titles are placed without indent (not indented). Although this Journal manages the Sub-Subsection Headings format, its use should be avoided as far as possible. There is no heading that is lower than a Sub-Subsection Title.

Title of Figures and Tables: The title of figures and tables are written in 10-points font size, bold, lower case with a capital letter at the beginning of each word, and everything is placed in the middle. The figures are numbered consecutively, as well as the table. The figure title is placed under the image, while the table title is placed above the table. The title of the figures and tables that is more than one line is written like an inverted pyramid.

2.4 Writing the Headers and Footers

The format for all headers and footers in this template can be used immediately, especially for the first-page header and footer.

First-page header: The header on the first page consists of the Journal title, Journal copyright mark, and Journal number, which will be updated by the Editor. The header is written in Tahoma, 10-points.

Headers on even page number: Headers on even page numbers consist of the author's names, in Tahoma, 10-points, centered. If more than three authors write the article, then only write the first author's name, followed by the word 'et al.' afterward (derived from the Latin et alli, which means "and friends").

Headers on odd page number: Headers on odd page numbers consist of the article title in lower case with a capital letter at the beginning of each word, Tahoma, 10-points, and centered.

Footers: All pages in the article have the same footer form. Footer consists of writing "RekaLoka" followed by a dashed line and page numbers that begin with the number 1 on the first page in Tahoma 10-points. The page number will be updated by the Editor when it is loaded.

2.5    Writing Sources and a List of References

Carefulness in writing sources and a List of References is a must so that writers can avoid plagiarism. For that reason, it is recommended that the authors strictly follow the terms of writing sources and the List of References in this guide. The author of the article is fully responsible for the writing references and sources of references. All sources listed in the List of References must be referenced in the article's body (References, not Bibliography). 

Sources are written under the APA's referencing style by including the author's last name of the source being referred to, followed by the year (Lastname, 2021). The List of References is also written in APA's style, which is sorted alphabetically by the author's last name of the books/sources. An example of a List of References can be seen in the last part of this guide. 

If you are writing using MSWord (version 2007 and later), you can use the References tab menu to write sources and compile a List of References. Select APA from the Style dropdown menu to specify a referral method. Select Works Cited from the Bibliography dropdown menu for writing a List of References. Writing a List of References and citation can also use referencing software such as Mendeley, EndNotes, Zotero, and others.

2.6    Figures

Only images that have direct relevance to the descriptions may be included in the article. The image is centered, close to the most relevant paragraph that refers to it. Each image (photos, graphics, and diagrams) must have a title and a sequential figure number, written below the image, centered with 10-points bold font. For example: "Figure 1. ASFR Trends in Africa". The image must be referenced in the article (referred to as "Figure 1"). The author is fully responsible for the quality of the images included. The journal can accept color images but will not make any corrections to the quality. All images should be compressed to have a maximum resolution of 220 dpi, and always delete the cropped part. Editors can adjust the size and resolution of the image if needed. If the image or its data was taken from another source, always include its source.


Figure 1. ASFR Trends in Africa

Source: Lastname, 2021

2.7    Tables

Only tables that have direct relevance to the descriptions may be included in the article. The table is centered, close to the most relevant paragraph that refers to it. Each table must have a title and a consecutive table number, written above the table in the center position with 10-points bold font, such as "Table 1. Comparison of Population per District in 2010". The table is referred to in the article as "Table 1". The font size for the table's contents is adjusted to the needs, considering readability. If necessary, the typeface can also be adapted to a slimmer font such as Arial Narrow. If the data in the table was taken from another source, always include its source.

Table 1. Comparison of Population per District in 2010

Head of Table Column 1

Head of Table Column 2

Head of Table Column 3

Head of Table Column 4

Content of 11

Content of 12

Content of 13

Content of 14

Content of 21

Content of 22

Content of 23

Content of 24

Source: Statistics Indonesia, 2021


The description in the article is written in accordance to the rules of writing a good scientific article. Basically, the article consists of an introduction, methodology, content (research results and analysis / discussion), conclusions, and a list of references. If necessary, authors can include endnotes, but no footnotes.

Writing standards for written bodies also refer to writing good scientific articles. As far as possible the author's point of thinking is outlined in paragraphs, and not by enumerating using numbers. The use of bullets is not recommended at all.


Write the conclusion using the same lettering and paragraph style as the rest of the section. It should be noted that writing conclusions avoids using bullets or numbers. To avoid writing errors, we recommend using this document as a master right away. Just delete the contents of this writing instructions, but please save as first according to the requested file name. If you have trouble, the editor will help and clarify. Wassalam and I hope these pointers are helpful to the writers.


This section would contain thanks to an agency if the research were funded or received support from the agency or parties who have significantly assisted directly with the research or writing this article. If the party is already listed as an author, there is no need to mention it again in this acknowledgment.


Arnstein, S. R. (1969). A Ladder of Citizen Participation. In R. T. Gates, & F. Stout (Eds.), The City Reader (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge Press.

Borer, M. I. (2010). From Collective Memory to Collective Imagination: Time, Place, and Urban Redevelopment. Symbolic Interaction, 33 (1), 96-144.

Mac Leod, D. (1992). Post-Modernism and Urban Planning. Accessed June 25, 2010, from

Poston, J. D., & Bouvier, L. F. (2010). An Introduction to Demography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Stoica, R.-I. (2006 [2005]). Heterotopia Urbana: Some Conceptual Considerations of Urban Heritage. Forum UNESCO University and Heritage 10th International Seminar "Cultural Landscapes in the 21st Century". Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Voskuil, R. P. (1996). Bandoeng: Beeld van Een Stad (Indonesian ed.). (S. M. Supardan, S. Sumardi, N. Darsono, & I. I. Yousda, Penerj.) Bandung: Dept. Planologi and Jagaddhita.

Xi, Z. (2004). Comparison between American and Chinese Community Building. Accessed May 10, 2007, from COMM-ORG: The On-Line Conference on Co Community Organizing and Development: