Waste Tire Granular Modification Using Gamma Radiation as Concrete Aggregate

Rachman Jusuf Hidayat, Noor Anis Kundari, Andri Saputra


Ban bekas kendaraan bermotor merupakan masalah yang serius dan rumit karena sulit terurai di lingkungan, tidak dapat dibentuk ulang (termoset), dan sulit didaur ulang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh modifikasi granul limbah ban menggunakan radiasi gamma sebagai agregat beton. Granul ban
4 mesh (≤ 4,8 mm) dikenai dosis radiasi gamma yang bervariasi (20, 40, dan 60 kGy). Pengaruh radiasi gamma terhadap granular ban diidentifikasi melalui perubahan gugus fungsi, densitas ikatan-silang, dan densitasnya. Beton berbentuk kubus (15 cm) dicetak dengan mencampur bahan baku seperti semen, pasir, kerikil, air, dan granul ban dalam berbagai kandungan. Beton kering (usia 6 hari) direndam dalam air selama 1 hari untuk menentukan daya serap airnya. Beton usia 7 hari diukur kuat tekannya menggunakan mesin uji tekan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemaparan radiasi gamma pada 40 kGy dapat meningkatkan densitas ikatan-silang granul ban, yang menunjukkan bahwa ikatan-silang polimer berhasil dicapai. Beton K100 dengan granul ban teriradiasi 40 kGy memberikan peningkatan kuat tekan 150% (104 kg/cm2) dibandingkan dengan granul ban non-iradiasi (69 kg/cm2). Walaupun beton dengan granul ban teriradiasi memberikan kuat tekan yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan beton tanpa granul ban, beton dengan granul ban teriradiasi kadar optimum (4% b/b) masih memenuhi standar SNI 03-0349.

Automotive waste tires are a serious and complicated issue because it is difficult to degrade in the environment, cannot be reshaped (thermosets), and are difficult to recycle. The aim of this work is to study the effect of granular modification of waste tires using gamma radiation as a concrete aggregate. Tire granular 4 mesh
(≤ 4.8 mm) is exposed by varied gamma radiation doses (20, 40, and 60 kGy). Gamma radiation effect on tire granular is identified through the functional groups, cross-link density, and density. Cubical concrete (15 cm) is molded by mixing raw materials such as cement, sand, gravel, water, and tire granular in various content. Dry concrete (6 days curing) is hydrated in water for 1 day to determine the water absorption. Concrete at 7 days curing is measured the compressive strength using compression testing machine. The result shows exposing gamma radiation at 40 kGy can increase the crosslink density of tire granular, which indicates polymer crosslinking is successfully achieved. Concrete K100 with irradiated tire granular at 40 kGy gives compressive strength improvement 150% (104 kg/cm2) compared to non-irradiated tire granular (69 kg/cm2). Even though concrete with irradiated tire granular gives lower compressive strength compared to concrete without tire granular, concrete with irradiated tire granular optimum content (4%) are still fulfill standard of SNI 03-0349.

Kata Kunci

Concrete aggregate; Gamma radiation; Tire waste granular

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